path: root/usr/src/pinyadmin/sbin
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'usr/src/pinyadmin/sbin')
5 files changed, 474 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/usr/src/pinyadmin/sbin/addaccess b/usr/src/pinyadmin/sbin/addaccess
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8d0cef9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usr/src/pinyadmin/sbin/addaccess
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Piny;
+my $env = Piny::Environment->new( );
+my ( $reponame, @users ) = @ARGV;
+my $repo = Piny::Repo->new( $reponame );
+if ( $repo->owner->uid != $env->user->uid ) {
+ print "You are not the owner of that repo!\n";
+ exit( 3 );
+$repo->add_access( map { Piny::User->new( $_ ) } @users );
diff --git a/usr/src/pinyadmin/sbin/newrepo b/usr/src/pinyadmin/sbin/newrepo
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..15bbde6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usr/src/pinyadmin/sbin/newrepo
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+my( $errorto ) = ''; # Email address to send horrible errors to.
+my( $reponame, $email, @errors, $wikilisttempfile, $cgitrctempfile, $description );
+if ( ( ! scalar $ARGV[0] ) or ( scalar $ARGV[1] ) or ( $ARGV[0] !~ /^[a-z0-9][a-z0-9-]+$/ ) ) {
+ print( "Usage: newrepo REPONAME\n" );
+ print( " REPONAME must consist only of lower case letters (a-z), digits (0-9), and minus (-) signs.\n" );
+ print( " REPONAME must be at least two characters long and must start with an alphanumeric character.\n" );
+ exit( 1 );
+} else {
+ $reponame = $ARGV[0];
+# We want to check to see if
+# 1) $reponame already exists in some form so we don't try to create it, and
+# 2) $reponame is only partially created, in which case we want to email someone who can sanity check and fix it.
+open (PASSWD, '/etc/passwd');
+while(<PASSWD>) {
+ if( $_ =~ /^$ENV{SUDO_USER}:.+?:.+?:.+?:(.+?):/ ) { $email = $1; }; # While we're here, may as well grab the email address.
+ if( $_ =~ /^ikiwiki-$reponame:/ ) { push( @errors, "user ikiwiki-$reponame already exists!\n"); };
+open (GROUP, '/etc/group');
+while(<GROUP>) {
+ if( $_ =~ /^git-$reponame:/ ) { push( @errors, "group git-$reponame already exists!\n"); };
+if( -d "/srv/git/$reponame.git" ) { push( @errors, "/srv/git/$reponame.git already exists!\n"); };
+if( -d "/srv/ikiwiki/$reponame" ) { push( @errors, "/srv/ikiwiki/$reponame already exists!\n"); };
+if( -d "/srv/www/$reponame" ) { push( @errors, "/srv/www/$reponame already exists!\n"); };
+if( -d "/srv/www/$reponame" ) { push( @errors, "/srv/www/$reponame already exists!\n"); };
+if( -f "/etc/ikiwiki/piny/$reponame.setup" ) { push( @errors, "/etc/ikiwiki/piny/$reponame.setup already exists!\n"); };
+if( -f "/etc/ikiwiki/wikilist.d/$reponame" ) { push( @errors, "/etc/ikiwiki/wikilist.d/$reponame already exists!\n"); };
+if( -f "/etc/apache2/piny-available/$reponame" ) { push( @errors, "/etc/apache2/piny-available/$reponame already exists!\n"); };
+if( -f "/etc/cgitrc.d/$reponame" ) { push( @errors, "/etc/cgitrc.d/$reponame already exists!\n"); };
+if( @errors ) {
+ if( @errors == 10 ) { # Everything's fine, nothing is broken
+ print( "$reponame already exists!\n" );
+ } else { # IT'S ARMAGEDDON
+ open ( MAIL, "|/usr/lib/sendmail -t" );
+ print( MAIL "To: $errorto\n" );
+ print( MAIL "From: newrepo\\n" );
+ print( MAIL "Subject: Piny error: $ENV{SUDO_USER} found inconsistent $reponame in the creation process!\n" );
+ print( MAIL "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" );
+ print( MAIL "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\n" );
+ print( MAIL "\n" );
+ print( MAIL "@errors\n" );
+ close( MAIL );
+ print( "$reponame already exists but is in an inconsistent state! The Piny admins probably screwed up; they have been notified and will take a look at it.\n" );
+ };
+ exit( 2 );
+while( 1 ) {
+ print( "Provide a one-line description to be used in repo listings, the shorter the better:\n" );
+ chomp( $description = <STDIN> );
+ if( $description !~ /^[\x{0020}-\x{FDCF}\x{FDF0}-\x{FFFD}]{1,80}$/ ) { # everything but control characters and unicode-defined non-characters
+ print( "Must be 1-80 characters long; control characters (including tab) not allowed.\n" );
+ next;
+ };
+ print( "Okay! Working, please wait...\n" );
+ last;
+unless( system( "mkdir /srv/git/$reponame.git" ) == 0 ) { # We need a locking or atomic operation as our first to check against simultaneous execution.
+ print( "Somebody else has created the same repo as you in the course of executing this program!\n" );
+ exit( 3 );
+system( "/usr/sbin/addgroup --quiet git-$reponame" );
+system( "/usr/sbin/adduser --quiet --system --group --gecos $reponame ikiwiki-$reponame" );
+system( "/usr/sbin/adduser --quiet ikiwiki-$reponame git-$reponame | grep -v 'Adding user'" );
+system( "/usr/sbin/adduser --quiet $ENV{SUDO_USER} git-$reponame | grep -v 'Adding user '" );
+system( "GIT_DIR=/srv/git/$reponame.git /usr/bin/git init --template=/srv/git-template.git --quiet --shared" );
+open ( DESC, ">/srv/git/$reponame.git/description" );
+print( DESC "$description" );
+close( DESC );
+# ln -f post-receive /srv/git/$reponame.git/hooks/ # turn on e-mail commit notices
+system( "/bin/chown -R $ENV{SUDO_USER}.git-$reponame /srv/git/$reponame.git/" );
+system( "/bin/chown -R ikiwiki-$reponame.ikiwiki-$reponame /srv/git/$reponame.git/hooks/" );
+system( "/bin/touch /srv/git/$reponame.git/git-daemon-export-ok" );
+open ( SETUP, ">/etc/ikiwiki/piny/$reponame.setup" );
+print( SETUP
+# Configuration file for ikiwiki.
+# Passing this to ikiwiki --setup will make ikiwiki generate wrappers and
+# build the wiki.
+# Remember to re-run ikiwiki --setup any time you edit this file.
+use IkiWiki::Setup::Standard {
+ wikiname => \'' . $reponame . '\', # PINY
+ adminemail => \'' . $email . '\', # PINY
+ srcdir => \'/srv/ikiwiki/' . $reponame . '\', # PINY
+ destdir => \'/srv/www/' . $reponame . '\', # PINY
+ url => \'' . $reponame . '\', # PINY
+ cgiurl => \'' . $reponame . '/ikiwiki.cgi\', # PINY
+ historyurl => \'' . $reponame . '/log/[[file]]\', # PINY
+ diffurl => \'' . $reponame . '/diff/?id=[[sha1_commit]]\', # PINY
+ templatedir => "/srv/templates",
+ underlaydir => "/etc/ikiwiki/share/underlay",
+ rcs => "git",
+ gitorigin_branch => "origin",
+ gitmaster_branch => "master",
+ wrappers => [
+ {
+ cgi => 1,
+ wrapper => \'/srv/www/' . $reponame . '/ikiwiki.cgi\', # PINY
+ wrappermode => "06755",
+ wrappergroup => \'git-' . $reponame . '\', # PINY
+ },
+ {
+ wrapper => \'/srv/git/' . $reponame . '.git/hooks/post-update\', # PINY
+ wrappermode => "06755",
+ wrappergroup => \'git-' . $reponame . '\', # PINY
+ notify => 0,
+ },
+ ],
+ # Generate rss feeds for blogs?
+ rss => 1,
+ # Generate atom feeds for blogs?
+ atom => 0,
+ # Include discussion links on all pages?
+ discussion => 0,
+ # To exclude files matching a regexp from processing. This adds to
+ # the default exclude list.
+ #exclude => qr/*\.wav/,
+ # To change the extension used for generated html files.
+ #htmlext => "htm",
+ # Time format (for strftime)
+ #timeformat => "%c",
+ # Locale to use. Must be a UTF-8 locale.
+ #locale => "en_US.UTF-8",
+ # Only send cookies over SSL connections.
+ sslcookie => 1,
+ # Logging settings:
+ verbose => 0,
+ syslog => 1,
+ # To link to user pages in a subdirectory of the wiki.
+ #userdir => "users",
+ # To create output files named page.html rather than page/index.html.
+ usedirs => 1,
+ # Simple spam prevention: require an account-creation password.
+ #account_creation_password => "example",
+ # Use new "!"-prefixed preprocessor directive syntax
+ prefix_directives => 1,
+ httpauth => 1,
+ # To add plugins, list them here.
+ add_plugins => [qw{sidebar toc meta table tag graphviz httpauth img attachment rename remove autoindex map teximg version edittemplate}],
+ disable_plugins => [qw{openid passwordauth}],
+ teximg_prefix => \'\\documentclass{scrartcl}
+\\newcommand{\unit}[1]{\\ensuremath{\\, \\mathrm{#1}}}
+ teximg_dvipng => 1,
+ # For use with the tag plugin, make all tags be located under a
+ # base page.
+ tagbase => "tag",
+ # For use with the search plugin if your estseek.cgi is located
+ # somewhere else.
+ #estseek => "/usr/lib/estraier/estseek.cgi",
+close( SETUP );
+open ( WIKILIST, '>>/etc/ikiwiki/wikilist' );
+print( WIKILIST "ikiwiki-$reponame /etc/ikiwiki/piny/$reponame.setup\n" );
+close( WIKILIST );
+open ( APACHE, ">/etc/apache2/piny-available/$reponame" );
+print( APACHE '<Directory /srv/www/' . $reponame . '>
+ AuthPAM_Enabled on
+ AuthGROUP_Enabled on
+ AuthPAM_FallThrough off
+ AuthBasicAuthoritative off
+ AuthType Basic
+ AuthName "User access to ' . $reponame . ' repository needed."
+ Require group git-' . $reponame . '
+</Directory>' );
+close( APACHE );
+link( "/etc/apache2/piny-available/$reponame", "/etc/apache2/piny-enabled/$reponame");
+system( '/etc/init.d/apache2 reload | grep -v "Reloading web server config: apache2."' );
+system( "/usr/bin/git clone --quiet /srv/git/$reponame /srv/ikiwiki/$reponame" );
+mkdir( "/srv/www/$reponame" );
+mkdir( "/srv/www/$reponame" );
+system( "/bin/chown -R ikiwiki-$reponame /srv/ikiwiki/$reponame /srv/www/$reponame /srv/www/$reponame" );
+open ( WIKILIST, ">/etc/ikiwiki/wikilist.d/$reponame" ); # Maybe someday ikiwiki will support wikilist.d.
+print( WIKILIST "ikiwiki-$reponame /etc/ikiwiki/piny/$reponame.setup\n" ); # In the meantime, we fake it.
+close( WIKILIST );
+$wikilisttempfile = `/bin/mktemp`;
+chomp( $wikilisttempfile );
+chmod ( 0644, $wikilisttempfile );
+system( "/bin/cat /etc/ikiwiki/wikilist.d/* > $wikilisttempfile" );
+system( "/bin/mv $wikilisttempfile /etc/ikiwiki/wikilist" ); # This is marginally racy, but the consequences are probably ignorable.
+open ( CGITRC, ">/etc/cgitrc.d/$reponame" ); # Maybe someday cgit will support cgitrc.d.
+print( CGITRC # In the meantime, we fake it.
+" ); # cgit already escapes HTML, so we don't need to do it on $description
+close( CGITRC );
+$cgitrctempfile = `/bin/mktemp`;
+chomp( $cgitrctempfile );
+chmod ( 0644, $cgitrctempfile );
+system( "/bin/cat /etc/cgitrc.d/* > $cgitrctempfile" );
+system( "/bin/mv $cgitrctempfile /etc/cgitrepos" ); # This is marginally racy, but the consequences are minor.
+system( "/usr/bin/sudo -u ikiwiki-$reponame /usr/bin/ikiwiki --setup /etc/ikiwiki/piny/$reponame.setup | grep -v 'successfully generated'" );
+print( "Web interface:$reponame/\n" );
+print( "Repo information:$reponame/\n" );
diff --git a/usr/src/pinyadmin/sbin/newuser b/usr/src/pinyadmin/sbin/newuser
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e0b175b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usr/src/pinyadmin/sbin/newuser
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Email::Valid::Loose qw( );
+# If they passed any arguments, complain and exit.
+if ( scalar @ARGV ) {
+ print "You can't pass any arguments to this script!\n";
+ exit 2;
+# If they didn't provide a terminal definition, then assume xterm.
+# Everybody emulates xterm to at least a basic extent.
+if ( not exists $ENV{"TERM"} ) {
+ $ENV{"TERM"} = "xterm";
+ print "I don't know what terminal you're using; guessing xterm...\n";
+# Disable buffering.
+# Configure the strictness of our email checks.
+my $checker = Email::Valid::Loose->new
+ ( "-fqdn" => 1
+ , "-fudge" => 0
+ , "-local_rules" => 0
+ , "-mxcheck" => 1
+ , "-tldcheck" => 0
+ );
+my ( $email, $username, $password1, $password2 );
+while ( 1 ) {
+ print "Your email address: ";
+ chomp ( $email = <STDIN> );
+ if ( $email eq "" ) {
+ print "You must provide an email address!\n";
+ next;
+ };
+ $email = $checker->address( $email );
+ if ( not defined $email ) {
+ print "Please, at least pretend to provide a valid email address.\n";
+ next;
+ };
+ last;
+while ( 1 ) {
+ print "Desired username: ";
+ chomp ( $username = <STDIN> );
+ if ( $username eq "" ) {
+ print "You have to enter a username!\n";
+ next;
+ };
+ if ( $username =~ /^git-|^ikiwiki-/ ) {
+ print "Your username cannot start with git- or ikiwiki-!\n";
+ next
+ };
+ if ( $username !~ /^[a-zA-Z0-9_.][a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+$/ ) {
+ print( "Usernames must consist only of letters, digits, underscores, periods, and dashes, and not start with a dash. Usernames are case sensitive.\n" );
+ next
+ };
+ last;
+while ( 1 ) {
+ system( "stty", "-echo" );
+ print "Desired password: ";
+ chomp ( $password1 = <STDIN> );
+ print "\nRetype password: ";
+ chomp ( $password2 = <STDIN> );
+ print "\n";
+ system( "stty", "echo" );
+ if ( $password1 ne $password2 ) {
+ print "Provided passwords do not match; try again.\n";
+ next;
+ };
+ if ( $password1 eq "" ) {
+ print "You have to enter a password!\n";
+ next;
+ };
+ last;
+my @saltchars =
+ ( 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z'
+ , 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z'
+ , '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'
+ , '.', '/'
+ );
+my $salt = "\$6\$";
+foreach my $n ( 1 .. 16 ) {
+ $salt .= $saltchars[int ( rand ( scalar @saltchars ) )];
+$salt .= "\$";
+my $crypt = crypt( $password1, $salt );
+my $ret = system( "/usr/sbin/useradd", "-c", "$email", "-k", "/var/empty", "-g", "users", "-m", "-p", $crypt, "-s", "/usr/local/bin/pinyshell", $username );
+if ( $ret ) {
+ print "An error occured creating the user; most likely, that username is already taken.\n";
+ exit 1;
+print "Your user has been created. Try logging in!\n";
+exit 0;
diff --git a/usr/src/pinyadmin/sbin/rmaccess b/usr/src/pinyadmin/sbin/rmaccess
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f84fba0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usr/src/pinyadmin/sbin/rmaccess
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Piny;
+my $env = Piny::Environment->new( );
+my ( $reponame, @users ) = @ARGV;
+my $repo = Piny::Repo->new( $reponame );
+if ( $repo->owner->uid != $env->user->uid ) {
+ print "You are not the owner of that repo!\n";
+ exit( 3 );
+$repo->remove_access( map { Piny::User->new( $_ ) } @users );
diff --git a/usr/src/pinyadmin/sbin/rmrepo b/usr/src/pinyadmin/sbin/rmrepo
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..864830f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usr/src/pinyadmin/sbin/rmrepo
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+my( $reponame, $uid, $gitowner, $wikilisttempfile, $cgitrctempfile);
+if ( ( ! scalar $ARGV[0] ) or ( scalar $ARGV[1] ) or ( $ARGV[0] !~ /^[a-z0-9][a-z0-9-]+$/ ) ) {
+ print( "Usage: rmrepo REPONAME\n" );
+ exit( 1 );
+} else {
+ $reponame = $ARGV[0];
+open (PASSWD, '/etc/passwd');
+while(<PASSWD>) {
+ if( $_ =~ /^$ENV{SUDO_USER}:.+?:(.+?):/ ) { $uid = $1; }; # grabbing uid.
+unless( -d "/srv/git/$reponame.git" ) {
+ print( "/srv/git/$reponame.git doesn't exist!\n" );
+ exit( 2 );
+$gitowner = (stat "/srv/git/$reponame.git")[4];
+if( ( $gitowner != $uid ) and ( $gitowner != 65534 ) ) {
+ print( "$reponame is not owned by you!\n" );
+ exit( 3 );
+# We have to be careful about how we delete things; we don't want have post-update or ikiwiki.cgi thrashing, and we REALLY don't want to leave remappable owner UIDs around, but we're also keying security on /srv/git/$reponame
+system( "/bin/chown -R nobody.nogroup /srv/git/$reponame.git" );
+unlink( "/etc/ikiwiki/wikilist.d/$reponame" );
+$wikilisttempfile = `/bin/mktemp`;
+chomp ( $wikilisttempfile );
+chmod ( 0644, $wikilisttempfile );
+system( "/bin/cat /etc/ikiwiki/wikilist.d/* > $wikilisttempfile" );
+system( "/bin/mv $wikilisttempfile /etc/ikiwiki/wikilist" ); # This is marginally racy, but the consequences are probably ignorable.
+unlink( "/etc/cgitrc.d/$reponame" );
+$cgitrctempfile = `/bin/mktemp`;
+chomp ( $cgitrctempfile );
+chmod ( 0644, $cgitrctempfile );
+system( "/bin/cat /etc/cgitrc.d/* > $cgitrctempfile" );
+system( "/bin/mv $cgitrctempfile /etc/cgitrepos" ); # This is marginally racy, but the consequences are probably ignorable.
+system( "/bin/rm -r /srv/www/$reponame" );
+system( "/bin/rm -r /srv/www/$reponame" );
+unlink( "/etc/ikiwiki/piny/$reponame.setup" );
+system( "/bin/rm -r /srv/ikiwiki/$reponame" );
+unlink( "/etc/apache2/piny-available/$reponame" );
+unlink( "/etc/apache2/piny-enabled/$reponame" );
+system( '/etc/init.d/apache2 reload | grep -v "Reloading web server config: apache2."' );
+system( "/usr/sbin/delgroup --quiet git-$reponame" );
+system( "/usr/sbin/deluser --quiet --remove-home ikiwiki-$reponame" );
+system( "/usr/sbin/delgroup --quiet ikiwiki-$reponame" );
+system( "/bin/rm -rf /srv/git/$reponame.git" );