#!/bin/sh if [ $SHELL = /usr/bin/pinyshell ]; then echo "You are in a restricted shell. Along with some safe KornShell builtins, you are able to execute the following Piny commands:" else echo "You are able to execute the following Piny commands:" fi echo if [ -x /srv/rbin/lsrepo ]; then echo "List repositories: lsrepo"; fi if [ -x /srv/rbin/newrepo ]; then echo "Create a new repository (interactive): newrepo "; fi if [ -x /srv/rbin/rmrepo ]; then echo "Remove an existing repository: rmrepo "; fi if [ -x /srv/rbin/lsaccess ]; then echo "List repositories you have access to: lsaccess"; echo "List users with access to a repository: lsaccess "; fi if [ -x /srv/rbin/addaccess ]; then echo "Add access to a repository for a user: addaccess "; fi if [ -x /srv/rbin/rmaccess ]; then echo "Remove access to a repository for a user: rmaccess "; fi if [ -x /srv/rbin/newuser ]; then echo "Create a new user (interactive): newuser"; fi if [ -x /srv/rbin/passwd ]; then echo "Change your password (interactive): passwd"; fi if [ -x /srv/rbin/writekeys ]; then echo "Write to SSH authorized_keys (stdin): writekeys"; fi if [ -x /srv/rbin/appendkeys ]; then echo "Append to SSH authorized_keys (stdin): appendkeys"; fi if [ -x /srv/rbin/readkeys ]; then echo "Read from SSH authorized_keys: readkeys"; fi if [ -x /srv/rbin/pinyconfig ]; then echo "Change config variables for your repository: pinyconfig [value]"; fi if [ -x /srv/rbin/rebuildrepo ]; then echo "Rebuild repository after changing config: rebuildrepo "; fi