#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Piny; my ( $reponame, $attr, $value ) = @ARGV; if ( not defined $reponame ) { die "Usage: $0 reponame|--user [tweakable [value]]\n"; }; my $config; if ( $reponame eq "--user" ) { $config = Piny::Environment->instance->user->config; } else { $config = Piny::Repo->new( $reponame )->config; }; if ( not defined $attr ) { my $tweakables = $config->all_tweakables; foreach my $t ( sort keys %$tweakables ) { my $v = $tweakables->{$t}; if ( defined $v ) { print "$t => $v\n"; } else { print "$t undefined\n"; }; }; } else { $attr = lc $attr; $attr =~ s/\./_/g; if ( defined $value ) { undef $@; eval { $config->$attr( $value ); }; if ( $@ ) { print STDERR "$attr is not a legal tweakable, or $value is not a legal value for that tweakable.\n$@\n"; }; if ( $value ne $config->$attr ) { print STDERR "Failed to set $attr (perhaps an override is in place)\n"; }; }; undef $@; eval { print "$attr = " . $config->$attr . "\n"; }; if ( $@ ) { print STDERR "$attr is not a legal tweakable, or its current value is illegal.\n$@\n"; }; };