# Copyright © 2010 Julian Blake Kongslie # Licensed under the BSD 3-clause license. package Piny::Repo; use Moose; use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints; use File::Find qw( find ); use File::Temp qw( ); use IO::Dir qw( ); use IkiWiki::FakeSetup qw( readSetup writeSetup ); use Piny::Environment; use Piny::Group; use Piny::User; use Piny::User::IkiWiki; # Types subtype 'Reponame' => as 'Str' => where { $_ =~ /^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_.-]*$/ } => message { 'That name is not in the correct format for a piny repo.' } ; subtype 'SimpleText' => as 'Str' => where { $_ =~ /^[\x{0020}-\x{FDCF}\x{FDF0}-\x{FFFD}]{1,80}$/ } => message { 'That description is not in the correct format for a piny repo.' } ; Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::export_type_constraints_as_functions; # Attributes has 'name' => ( is => 'rw' , isa => 'Reponame' , trigger => \&_rename_repo , required => 1 ); has 'group' => ( is => 'ro' , isa => 'Piny::Group' , lazy_build => 1 , init_arg => undef ); has 'path' => ( is => 'ro' , isa => 'Str' , lazy_build => 1 , init_arg => undef ); has 'description' => ( is => 'rw' , isa => 'SimpleText' , trigger => \&_set_description , lazy_build => 1 , init_arg => undef ); has 'repostat' => ( is => 'ro' , isa => 'ArrayRef' , lazy_build => 1 , init_arg => undef ); has 'owner' => ( is => 'rw' , isa => 'Piny::User' , trigger => \&_change_owner , lazy_build => 1 , init_arg => undef ); has 'globally_readable' => ( is => 'ro' , isa => 'Bool' , lazy_build => 1 , init_arg => undef ); has 'globally_writable' => ( is => 'ro' , isa => 'Bool' , lazy_build => 1 , init_arg => undef ); has 'ikiwiki_setup' => ( is => 'ro' , isa => 'Str' , lazy_build => 1 , init_arg => undef ); has 'ikiwiki_destdir' => ( is => 'ro' , isa => 'Str' , lazy_build => 1 , init_arg => undef ); has 'ikiwiki_srcdir' => ( is => 'ro' , isa => 'Str' , lazy_build => 1 , init_arg => undef ); has 'ikiwiki_url' => ( is => 'ro' , isa => 'Str' , lazy_build => 1 , init_arg => undef ); has 'ikiwiki_cgiurl' => ( is => 'ro' , isa => 'Str' , lazy_build => 1 , init_arg => undef ); has 'ikiwiki_historyurl' => ( is => 'ro' , isa => 'Str' , lazy_build => 1 , init_arg => undef ); has 'ikiwiki_diffurl' => ( is => 'ro' , isa => 'Str' , lazy_build => 1 , init_arg => undef ); has 'ikiwiki_cgipath' => ( is => 'ro' , isa => 'Str' , lazy_build => 1 , init_arg => undef ); has 'secure_path' => ( is => 'ro' , isa => 'Str' , lazy_build => 1 , init_arg => undef ); has 'apache_config' => ( is => 'ro' , isa => 'Str' , lazy_build => 1 , init_arg => undef ); # Public methods sub add_access { my ( $s, @users ) = @_; $s->group->add_member( @users ); }; sub remove_access { my ( $s, @users ) = @_; $s->group->remove_member( @users ); }; sub has_access { my ( $s, $user ) = @_; return $s->owner->uid == $user->uid || $user->has_group( $s->group ); }; # Triggers sub _rename_repo { my ( $s, $new_name, $old_name ) = @_; return unless defined $old_name; my $olddir = "/srv/git/$old_name.git"; my $newdir = "/srv/git/$new_name.git"; rename( $olddir, $newdir ) or die "Couldn't rename $olddir to $newdir: $!"; warn "XXX Not renaming all the ikiwiki stuff!"; $s->clear_path; $s->clear_ikiwiki_setup; $s->clear_ikiwiki_destdir; $s->clear_ikiwiki_srcdir; $s->clear_ikiwiki_url; $s->clear_ikiwiki_cgiurl; $s->clear_ikiwiki_historyurl; $s->clear_ikiwiki_cgipath; $s->clear_secure_path; $s->clear_apache_config; }; sub _set_description { my ( $s, $new_description, $old_description ) = @_; return unless defined $old_description; open( my $fd, ">", $s->path . "/description" ) or die "Unable to open " . $s->path . "/description for writing: $!"; print $fd $new_description; close( $fd ) or die "Error when closing " . $s->path . "/description: $!"; }; sub _change_owner { my ( $s, $new_owner, $old_owner ) = @_; return unless defined $old_owner; find( { wanted => sub { chown( $new_owner->uid, -1, $_ ) or die "Couldn't chown $_: $!"; }, no_chdir => 1 }, $s->path ); $s->clear_ikiwiki_setup; }; # Class methods sub all_repos { my ( $class, $dir ) = @_; $dir = "/srv/git" unless defined $dir; my @ret; find( { wanted => sub { if ( /^[^.].*\.git$/ ) { $File::Find::prune = 1; push( @ret, $File::Find::name ); }; } }, $dir ); @ret = map { s/^\Q$dir\E\/?//; s/\.git$//; $class->new( name => $_ ); } @ret; return @ret; }; sub create { my ( $class, $name, $description ) = @_; my $user = Piny::Environment->new->user; Reponame->assert_valid( $name ); SimpleText->assert_valid( $description ); my $repo = $class->new( "name" => $name ); mkdir( $repo->path ) or die "The repo $name appears to already exist! ($!)"; system( "/usr/sbin/adduser", "--quiet", "--system", "--group", "--gecos", $name, "ikiwiki-$name" ) and die "Could not create ikiwiki user!"; my $ikiuser = Piny::User::IkiWiki->new( "name" => "ikiwiki-$name" ); system( "/usr/sbin/addgroup", "--quiet", "git-$name" ) and die "Could not create repo group!"; my $group = Piny::Group->new( "name" => "git-$name" ); system( "/usr/sbin/adduser", "--quiet", $user->name, $group->name ) and die "Could not add you to the repo group!"; system( "/usr/sbin/adduser", "--quiet", $ikiuser->name, $group->name ) and die "Could not add ikiwiki user to the repo group!"; $ENV{"GIT_DIR"} = $repo->path; system( "/usr/bin/git", "init", "--template=/srv/git-template.git", "--quiet", "--shared" ) and die "Could not initialize git repo!"; delete $ENV{"GIT_DIR"}; $repo->set_description( $description ); open( TOUCH, ">", $repo->path . "/git-daemon-export-ok" ) or die "Could not touch git-daemon-export-ok for repo: $!"; close( TOUCH ); system( "/bin/chown", "-R", $user->name . "." . $group->name, $repo->path ) and die "Could not change ownership of git repo!"; system( "/bin/chown", "-R", $ikiuser->name . "." . $ikiuser->name, $repo->path . "/hooks" ) and die "Could not change ownership of git hooks!"; open( SETUP, ">", "/etc/ikiwiki/piny/" . $repo->name . ".setup" ) or die "Could not open new ikiwiki setup file: $!"; print SETUP $repo->ikiwiki_setup; close( SETUP ) or die "Could not close new ikiwiki setup file: $!"; open( APACHE, ">", "/etc/apache2/piny-available/" . $repo->name ) or die "Could not open new apache config: $!"; print APACHE $repo->apache_config; close( APACHE ) or die "Could not close new apache config: $!"; symlink( "/etc/apache2/piny-available/" . $repo->name, "/etc/apache2/piny-enabled/" . $repo->name ) or die "Could not symlink apache config: $!"; system( "/etc/init.d/apache2", "reload" ) and die "Could not reload apache config!"; system( "/usr/bin/git", "clone", "--quiet", $repo->path, $repo->ikiwiki_srcdir ) and die "Could not clone repo to ikiwiki srcdir!"; mkdir( $repo->ikiwiki_destdir ) or die "Could not create ikiwiki destdir: $!"; mkdir( $repo->secure_path ) or die "Could not create secure dir: $!"; system( "/bin/chown", "-R", $ikiuser->name . "." . $ikiuser->name, $repo->ikiwiki_srcdir, $repo->ikiwiki_destdir, $repo->secure_path ) and die "Could not change ownership of ikiwiki directories!"; open( WIKILIST, ">", "/etc/ikiwiki/wikilist.d/" . $repo->name ) or die "Could not create wikilist.d file: $!"; print WIKILIST $ikiuser->name . " /etc/ikiwiki/piny/" . $repo->name . ".setup\n"; close( WIKILIST ) or die "Could not close wikilist.d file: $!"; my $temp = File::Temp->new( ) or die "Could not create temporary file: $!"; $temp->unlink_on_destroy( 0 ); my $dh = IO::Dir->new( "/etc/ikiwiki/wikilist.d" ) or die "Could not open wikilist.d directory: $!"; while ( defined ( my $entry = $dh->read ) ) { next if ( $entry =~ /^\./ ); open( FILE, "<", "/etc/ikiwiki/wikilist.d/" . $entry ) or die "Could not open wikilist.d entry $entry: $!"; print $temp ; close( FILE ) or die "Could not close wikilist.d entry $entry: $!"; }; $temp->close or die "Could not close new wikilist: $!"; rename( $temp->filename, "/etc/ikiwiki/wikilist" ) or die "Could not rename over old wikilist: $!"; open( CGITLIST, ">", "/etc/cgitrc.d/" . $repo->name ) or die "Could not create cgitrc.d file: $!"; print CGITLIST "repo.url=" . $repo->name . "\nrepo.path=" . $repo->path . "\nrepo.desc=" . $repo->description . "\nrepo.owner=" . $repo->owner->email . "\n\n"; close( CGITLIST ) or die "Could not close cgitrc.d file: $!"; $temp = File::Temp->new( ) or die "Could not create temporary file: $!"; $temp->unlink_on_destroy( 0 ); $dh = IO::Dir->new( "/etc/cgitrc.d" ) or die "Could not open cgitrc.d directory: $!"; while ( defined ( my $entry = $dh->read ) ) { next if ( $entry =! /^\./ ); open( FILE, "<", "/etc/cgitrc.d/" . $entry ) or die "Could not open cgitrc.d entry $entry: $!"; print $temp ; close( FILE ) or die "Could not close cgitrc.d entry $entry: $!"; }; $temp->close or die "Could not close new cgitrc: $!"; rename( $temp->filename, "/etc/cgitrepos" ) or die "Could not rename over old cgitrc: $!"; system( "/usr/bin/sudo", "-u", $ikiuser->name, "/usr/bin/ikiwiki", "--setup", "/etc/ikiwiki/piny/" . $repo->name . ".setup" ) and die "Could not do initial compile of ikiwiki!"; return $repo; }; # Builder methods # If constructed with just one argument, then treat it as a repo name. around BUILDARGS => sub { my ( $orig, $class ) = ( shift, shift ); if ( @_ == 1 && ! ref $_[0] ) { return $class->$orig( name => $_[0] ); } else { return $class->$orig( @_ ); }; }; sub _build_group { my ( $s ) = @_; return Piny::Group->new( name => "git-" . $s->name ); }; sub _build_path { my ( $s ) = @_; return "/srv/git/" . $s->name . ".git"; }; sub _build_description { my ( $s ) = @_; open( my $d, "<", $s->path . "/description" ) or die "Unable to open " . $s->path . "/description: $!"; my $desc; { local $/ = undef; $desc = <$d>; }; close( $d ); return $desc; }; sub _build_repostat { my ( $s ) = @_; my @res = stat( $s->path ); die "stat( " . $s->path . " ) failed: $!" unless @res; return \@res; }; sub _build_owner { my ( $s ) = @_; my ( $uid ) = $s->repostat->[4]; return Piny::User->new( uid => $uid ); }; sub _build_globally_readable { my ( $s ) = @_; return ( $s->repostat->[2] & 0444 ) == 0444; }; sub _build_globally_writable { my ( $s ) = @_; return ( $s->repostat->[2] & 0111 ) == 0111; }; sub _build_ikiwiki_setup { my ( $s ) = @_; my ( $package, $config ) = readSetup( "/usr/share/libpiny/ikiwiki.setup" ); $config->{"wikiname"} = $s->name; $config->{"adminemail"} = $s->owner->email; $config->{"srcdir"} = $s->ikiwiki_srcdir; $config->{"destdir"} = $s->ikiwiki_destdir; $config->{"url"} = $s->ikiwiki_url; $config->{"cgiurl"} = $s->ikiwiki_cgiurl; $config->{"historyurl"} = $s->ikiwiki_historyurl; $config->{"diffurl"} = $s->ikiwiki_diffurl; $config->{"wrappers"} = [ { "wrapper" => $s->ikiwiki_cgipath , "wrappergroup" => $s->group->name , "wrappermode" => 06755 , "cgi" => 1 } , { "wrapper" => $s->path . "/hooks/post-update" , "wrappergroup" => $s->group->name , "wrappermode" => 06755 , "notify" => 0 } ]; return writeSetup( $package, $config ); }; sub _build_ikiwiki_destdir { my ( $s ) = @_; return "/srv/www/piny.be/" . $s->name; }; sub _build_ikiwiki_srcdir { my ( $s ) = @_; return "/srv/ikiwiki/" . $s->name; }; sub _build_ikiwiki_url { my ( $s ) = @_; return "http://piny.be/" . $s->name; }; sub _build_ikiwiki_cgiurl { my ( $s ) = @_; return "https://secure.piny.be/repos/" . $s->name . "/ikiwiki.cgi"; }; sub _build_secure_path { my ( $s ) = @_; return "/srv/www/secure.piny.be/repos/" . $s->name; }; sub _build_ikiwiki_cgipath { my ( $s ) = @_; return $s->secure_path . "/ikiwiki.cgi"; }; sub _build_ikiwiki_historyurl { my ( $s ) = @_; return "https://secure.piny.be/cgit/" . $s->name . "/log/[[file]]"; }; sub _build_ikiwiki_diffurl { my ( $s ) = @_; return "https://secure.piny.be/cgit/" . $s->name . "/diff/?id=[[sha1_commit]]"; }; sub _build_apache_config { my ( $s ) = @_; return "secure_path . ">\n AuthPAM_Enabled on\n AuthGROUP_Enabled on\n AuthPAM_FallThrough off\n AuthBasicAuthoritative off\n AuthType Basic\n AuthName \"User access to " . $s->name . " repository needed.\"\n Require group " . $s->group->name . "\n\n"; }; # Moose boilerplate __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable; 1;