path: root/starts/meaning-vm/habit-starts/learning-parts.cpp
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authorolpc user <olpc@xo-5d-f7-86.localdomain>2020-01-10 14:55:19 -0800
committerolpc user <olpc@xo-5d-f7-86.localdomain>2020-01-10 14:55:19 -0800
commitc8bb547bea279af2bb48c13260f98aa8add07131 (patch)
tree7f64265d514dc50427d2e5d8a70e09a46927dfbd /starts/meaning-vm/habit-starts/learning-parts.cpp
parent5601d1f3324c30651ad3f264ac2d6e7f12ea8b34 (diff)
move intellect-framework-from-internet into folder
Diffstat (limited to 'starts/meaning-vm/habit-starts/learning-parts.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 347 deletions
diff --git a/starts/meaning-vm/habit-starts/learning-parts.cpp b/starts/meaning-vm/habit-starts/learning-parts.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 85c92c9..0000000
--- a/starts/meaning-vm/habit-starts/learning-parts.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,347 +0,0 @@
-#include "learning-parts.hpp"
-# "How do you think we could show better understanding of the things we are disregarding?"
-# "If we do understand these, can you help us? Do you know who can?"
-// idea of learning to keep well having more process time and
-// priority than risky behaviors
-idea of a secret group attacking a present group, and the attackers being
-the only channel to deal with it.
- if we talk, we need nobody to _ever_ know this. the walls all have ears;
- I was one of them. [from eastern half of continent where a targeted
- activist was living alone]
-using namespace habitstarts;
-using namespace intellect::level2;
-// Propose:
-// everything that happens is passed to a set of common habits.
-// these habits categorize, summarize, and pass to relevent habits.
-// high level triggers are thus efficient, because they respond only
-// to the group that applies to them.
-// these habits must be learned.
-// when providing a trigger at a high level, provide a way to get examples
-// of what it should and should not trigger for. this provides for learning
-// how to do this.
-// the above looks like relevence to me. propose learning it.
-// to learn most effectively, apply to process of learning.
-// how do we adjust from success or from failure? need some attribute
-// of scenario to store for next time, to respond to differently.
-// so when we do something, we'll want to be able to store all information
-// needed to learn to improve.
-// we can include in this the meaning of a concept, and add language translation.
-// is this 'apple'? is this? yes, no. then pattern recognition could engage
-// triggers. later we'll want to propagate wrongness from failures.
-// likely we'll grow better if we use this on things before they have words.
-// // propose using random or exhaustive trial to find successes until habits develop
-// // and then using the same on possible structure matches of the data
-// // it may not work, we'll need to creatively grow data; reaonable start though
-static int __init = ([]()->int{
- decls(link, source, type, target);
- ahabit(link, ((source, s), (type, t), (target, dst)),
- {
-, dst);
- });
- decls(linked, anything);
- ahabit(linked, ((source, s), (type, t), (target, dst, anything)),
- {
- if (dst == anything) {
- result = s.linked(t);
- } else {
- result = s.linked(t, dst);
- }
- });
- decls(unlink);
- ahabit(unlink, ((source, s), (type, t), (target, dst, anything)),
- {
- if (dst == anything) {
- s.unlink(t);
- } else {
- s.unlink(t, dst);
- }
- });
- decls(get, set);
- ahabit(get, ((source, s), (type, t)),
- {
- result = s.get(t);
- });
- ahabit(set, ((source, s), (type, t), (target, dst)),
- {
- s.set(t, dst);
- });
- // we want the habits expressive enough to code efficiently in.
- // constructors are tentatively abolished in the low-level habit language. (new-type-instance modifies, not creates)
- // we have one constructor of concepts, and knowledge attachment to concepts.
- decls(make, know, concept, is, group, already, in);
- ahabit(make-concept, (),
- {
- result = a(concept);
- });
- ahabit(know-is, ((concept, c), (group, g)),
- {
- if (c.linked(is, group)) {
- throw an(already-in-group).link
- (habit, self,
- "context", ctx,
- concept, c,
- group, g);
- }
-, group);
- result = c;
- });
- // separate habits and behaviors.
- // behaviors are modifiable data run hy immutable habits.
- // they use translation maps to move concepts between
- // subhabits.
- // translation map is just list of equivalent pairs
- // note: lisp can self modify; would need wrapper
- // constructors to make functions and lists into
- // concepts.
- // remember can google how to debug lisp
- // opencog does concepts within lisp already, is
- // heavyweight with few habita. just want goertzel's
- // effort honored, he probably came up with it before
- // I did.
- // opencog has functions for pattern matching etc
- // they arent self-modifiable, may not matter
- //decls(ordered, behavior);
- // need args and result for sequence
- //ahabit(habit-sequence, ((
- decls(list, nothing, next, previous, first, last, entry);
- decls(add, to, until, each, item, remove, from, somewhere);
- // list functiona are habits because ordered-behavior
- // would use a list
- // lists are being handled by providing a habit that
- // can be engaged for every item. it responds to the item.
- // i was thinking it could be better to respond to the next-link.
- // these are roughly the same thing.
- // when doing an ordered behavior we want to act in response to
- // going to the next step, so we can decide to.
- // this maps to the step list item. if result is to stop, list
- // stops iteration.
- // may want a more meaningful exploration of list. not sure
- // list is mostly the [first-entry, last-entry, next, prev] structure
- // can be handled innumerable ways.
- // should be a promise handled by habits? rather than
- // a bunch of specific habits? but is ok for now
- // is likely good for mind to discover
- // promises and structures on its own
- // but implementing them generally might speed dev up, dunno
- ahabit(know-is-list, ((list, l)),
- {
- result = l;
- (know-is)(l, list);
- link(l, first-item, nothing);
- link(l, last-item, nothing);
- });
- ahabit(know-is-list-entry, ((list-entry, l), (item, i), (previous, prev, nothing), (next, n, nothing)),
- {
- result = l;
- (know-is)(l, list-entry);
- link(l, item, i);
- link(l, previous, prev);
- link(l, next, n);
- });
- ahabit(list-first-item, ((list, l)),
- {
- result = get(l, first-item);
- });
- ahabit(list-last-item, ((list, l)),
- {
- result = get(l, last-item);
- });
- ahabit(list-entry-next, ((list-entry, i)),
- {
- result = get(i, next);
- });
- ahabit(list-entry-previous, ((list-entry, i)),
- {
- result = get(i, previous);
- });
- ahabit(list-entry-item, ((list-entry, e)),
- {
- result = get(e, item);
- });
- ahabit(list-add, ((list, l), (item, i)),
- {
- ref prev = (list-last-item)(l);
- ref li = (know-is-list-entry)(
- (make-concept)(),
- item,
- nothing,
- prev);
-, i);
-, nothing);
-, prev);
- if (l.linked(first-item, nothing)) {
- l.set(first-item, li);
- l.set(last-item, li);
- } else {
- ref prev = l.get(last-item);
- l.set(last-item, li);
- prev.set(next, li);
- }
- });
- ahabit(list-each-entry, ((list, l), (context, c), (action, act)),
- {
- ref cur = l.get(first-item);
- while (cur != nothing && result == nothing) {
- result = act(cur, c);
- cur = cur.get(next);
- }
- });
- // list-entry-remove could be pulled out
- ahabit(list-remove, ((list, l), (item, i)),
- {
- result = (list-each-entry)(l, i,
- ahabit(self-iter, ((list-item, i2), (remove-item, i)),
- {
- if (i2.get(item) == i) {
- result = true;
- ref prev = i2.get(previous);
- ref n = i2.get(next);
- if (prev != nothing) {
- prev.set(next, n);
- }
- if (n != nothing) {
- n.set(previous, prev);
- }
- i2.unlink(previous);
- i2.unlink(next);
- i2.unlink(item);
- dealloc(i2); // hmm. we do have an active goal of making memory allocation be habit based. this might work here, though.
- }
- }));
- });
- using links_it = level0::baseref::links_t::iterator;
- ahabit(populate-link-entry, ((link-entry, le)),
- {
- result = le;
- auto & it = result.vget<links_it>();
- if (it != result["source"].links().end()) {
- result.set("type", it->first);
- result.set("target", it->second);
- } else {
- result.unlink("type");
- result.unlink("target");
- }
- });
- ahabit(first-link-entry, ((concept, c)),
- {
- result = level1::alloc(level, c.links().begin());
- result.set("source", c);
- (populate-link-entry)(result);
- });
- ahabit(last-link-entry, ((concept, c)),
- {
- result = level1::alloc(level, --c.links().end());
- result.set("source", c);
- (populate-link-entry)(result);
- });
- ahabit(next-link-entry, ((link-entry, le)),
- {
- result = le;
- ++result.vget<links_it>();
- (populate-link-entry)(result);
- });
- ahabit(previous-link-entry, ((link-entry, le)),
- {
- result = le;
- --result.vget<links_it>();
- (populate-link-entry)(result);
- });
- /*
- ahabit(happened-habit, ((happened, ev)),
- {
- if (!happened.linked(whenever-list)) { return; }
- ref stub = a(event);
- stub.set(event, ev);
- (until-each-list-item-context-in-list)(action-whenever-happened, stub, happened.get(whenever-list));
- });
- ahabit(action-whenever-happened, ((list-item, li), (event, h)),
- {
- // here: when we trigger a behavior, we want information associated with producing the trigger,
- // as well as the event that triggered. that's two contexts.
- // list-item has item
- // item has action and context
- ref i = li.get(item);
- // i think below we are proposing that handlers
- // take one context, which is the one prepared
- // in the list, then we inject our context
- // into that, inside a "happened" property.
- ref actctx = i.get(action-context);
- actctx.set(happened, h);
- i.get(action).fun<ref>()(actctx);
- });
- ahabit(whenever-habit, ((happens, ev), (action, act), (action-context, actctx)),
- {
- if ((action-context).linked(happened)) {
- throw std::logic_error("happened on action-context");
- }
- if (!ev.linked(whenever-list)) {
- ev.set(whenever-list, (make-list)(nothing));
- }
- ref list = ev.get(whenever-list);
- // happens gets the list
- ref item = a(whenever-action);
- item.set(action, act);
- item.set(action-context, actctx);
- (add-to-list)(item, list);
- // store ctx[action] on ctx[happens] as behavior to do
- // store ctx[action-context] as context for behavior
- // PROPOSE: automatically place [happened] inside [action-context] as a stub
- // for call event objects, and then place [context] inside [happened].
- // PROPOSE: report error if [action-context] contains [happened]
- // as a stub for error patterns, it would be pretty nice to throw
- // a unique concept ref for each error type. plan to add to level-0.
- });
- ahabit(stop-when-habit, ((action, act), (happens, ev)),
- {
- // remove doing ctx[action] for ctx[happens]
- });
- ahabit(once-habit, ((happens, ev), (action, act), (action-context, actctx)),
- {
- // takes ctx[action] and ctx[happens] and ctx[action-context]
- // uses above habits to do the action only once, probably by using
- // a trigger on the habit-happening habit to check if a label is set,
- // and remove the habit if it is.
- });
- */
- return 0;