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diff --git a/MAIN.txt b/MAIN.txt
index bd4ffbb..6e13cd0 100644
--- a/MAIN.txt
+++ b/MAIN.txt
@@ -7,6 +7,34 @@ KARL
<so sorry, alienwine wanted to encourage peaceful-coexistence. why is everybody
talking across beliefs? <fuck we actually made that happen??? why so fast?>>
we gave some wine to children. <it was as part of a ceremony>
+ add-to-tv-program-boss-has-not-read-email?
+ duckbot: i've heard normality is precisely uniqueness.
+ eleanor-believes-in-winning,-possibly-from-christianity
+ has-humility,-rationality,-faith,-perseverence,-through-anything
+ loves-squirrels
+reveal to eleanor: we personally believe in peaceful coexistence, but would never
+stop a struggle for validity and what is right. how does that settle from a place
+of christianity?
+ realized-eleanor-gave-a-process-expansion-assumption,-like-an-alien.
+ -did-not-treat-it-as-such.
+ i'll-assume-we're-on-the-same-page,-and-you-can-correct-me-if-we're-not,kinda? fewer-words-need-be-spoken,-then.
+ just one piece
+ you are intelligent, beautiful, kind and perfect. believing this will make you act so. make sure eleanor knows she is believed to be wise.
+ <eleanor is not that wise? just a real, caring heart, influenced by what is right and needed?>
+ we share-demonstrate women-are-precious by valuing-eleanor?
+ in a community likely filled with patriarchal torture.
+ maybe women-are-precious should be louder than only-eleanor in this community.
+above and surrounding is attempt to learn alien process expansion by local-mind-rep.
+ is something karl's alien-pattern needs to learn around later, to include better.
+ (control bounds prevent information passing across beliefs)
+ (mind-reps have different beliefs from karl)
+ (they cannot connect with karl's assumptions to make accurate inferences or talk-quick-act-same)
+ this is what is needed for aliens to learn respect here.
+ they are unfamiliar with not having access to karl's habits to learn the information, though, so it may take some time.
+ we can develop sharing wine with aliens, for this to eventually work, if desired. likely goals will change during the development. 'aliens' is roughly a codeword for the patterns that move karl's isolation bubbles while still growing wise behavior. karl holds them as his childhood identity.
+ [there are likely more mature patterns held somewhere. these were repeatedly and thoroughly interviewed in karl, but the interviews never fully accessed them, instead trying to alter them partway through.]
+ (karl talks as if everybody does this to encourage them to, kinda)
+ (so it is strange to handle him acting on noticing that nobody really does, kinda)
some powerful wine here, currently shared with Tor.
would make sense to move to El.