path: root/starts
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Diffstat (limited to 'starts')
7 files changed, 301 insertions, 37 deletions
diff --git a/starts/meaning-vm/habit-starts/rhythm.cpp b/starts/meaning-vm/habit-starts/rhythm.cpp
index 72626d6..01a42d9 100644
--- a/starts/meaning-vm/habit-starts/rhythm.cpp
+++ b/starts/meaning-vm/habit-starts/rhythm.cpp
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ int main()
ahabit(wait-habit, (),
- usleep(micros);
+ sugar::usleep(micros);
diff --git a/starts/meaning-vm/level-2/habits.cpp b/starts/meaning-vm/level-2/habits.cpp
index 4900daf..266d412 100644
--- a/starts/meaning-vm/level-2/habits.cpp
+++ b/starts/meaning-vm/level-2/habits.cpp
@@ -13,6 +13,16 @@ int createhabits(), dst);
+ ahabit(link-crucial, ((souce, s), (type, t), (target, dst)),
+ {
+ result = s.crucial(t, dst);
+ });
+ ahabit(link-set-crucial, ((source, s), (type, t), (target, dst)),
+ {
+ s.setcrucial(t, dst);
+ });
decls(linked, anything);
ahabit(linked, ((source, s), (type, t), (target, dst, anything)),
@@ -66,6 +76,14 @@ int createhabits()
+ ahabit(concept-crucial, ((concept, c)),
+ {
+ result = c.crucial();
+ });
+ ahabit(concept-set-crucial, ((concept, c)),
+ {
+ c.setcrucial();
+ });
decls(habit, context);
ahabit(know-is, ((concept, c), (group, g)),
@@ -138,6 +156,20 @@ int createhabits()
return lea.val<links_it>() == leb.val<links_it>();
+ ahabit(link-entry-unlink, ((link-entry, le)),
+ {
+ le.get(source).unlink(le.val<links_it>()++);
+ (populate-link-entry)(le);
+ result = le;
+ });
+ ahabit(link-entry-crucial, ((link-entry, le)),
+ {
+ result = le.get(source).crucial(le.val<links_it>());
+ });
+ ahabit(link-entry-set-crucial, ((link-entry, le)),
+ {
+ le.get(source).setcrucial(le.val<links_it>());
+ });
// a simple list primitive to aid in dev
decls(list, nothing, next, previous, first, last, act);
@@ -185,6 +217,8 @@ int createhabits()
l.set(last-item, le);
prev.set(next, le);
+ result = list;
ahabit(list-entry-unmake, ((list-entry, le)),
@@ -197,15 +231,19 @@ int createhabits()
set(n, previous, prev);
+ result = n;
- ahabit(list-each-entry, ((list, l), (context, c), (action, act)),
- {
- ref cur = (list-first-entry)(l);
- while (cur != nothing && result == nothing) {
- result = act(cur, c);
- cur = (list-next-entry)(cur);
+ ahabit(list-each-entry, ((list, l), (context, c), (action, a)),
+ {
+ ref subctx = (make-concept());
+ subctx.set(context, c);
+ subctx.set(list-entry, (list-first-entry)(l));
+ while (subctx.get(list-entry) != nothing && result == nothing) {
+ result = act(a, subctx);
+ subctx.set(list-entry, (list-entry-next)(subctx.get(list-entry)));
+ (unmake-concept)(subctx);
ahabit(list-has-item, ((list, l), (item, i)),
@@ -260,6 +298,7 @@ int createhabits()
if (linked(act, is, habit) && !linked(act, habit)) {<ref>()(subctx);
+ result = subctx.get("result");
} else if (linked(act, habit) && linked(get(act, habit), is, habit)) {
ref h = get(act, habit);
if (linked(h, habit)) {
@@ -275,9 +314,10 @@ int createhabits()
"action", act
self(h, subctx2);
+ result = subctx2.get("result");
} else {
- h({{context, subctx}, {action, act}});
+ result = h({{context, subctx}, {action, act}});
} else {
throw (make-concept)().link(
@@ -297,7 +337,7 @@ int createhabits()
made-information-map, out,
action, act);
- ahabit(context-action, ((outer-context, outerctx), (context-action, ca)),
+ ahabit(context-action, ((context, outerctx), (action, ca)),
ref action = ca["action"];
@@ -339,24 +379,12 @@ int createhabits()
(action-list-item)(list-entry-item(le), subctx);
- // maybe condition and list could be merged better by factoring out the concept
- // of translating?
- // we're going to want to provide lists of subactions to condition
- // the irritation around not having the condition be a function is the
- // creation of anonymous variable names to hold the values. is likely fine.
- // note: the name "outer-context" is being treated specially. we'll just use that.
- // this name could make a quoting requirement. could be worked around.
- //
- // if we remove outer-context, we'll probably need to recognize condition-
- // action in action-list-item, and pass the outer-context to it.
- // either way, we can implement condition-action with outer-context as
- // a passed value.
ahabit(nothing, (), {});
link(nothing, habit, nothing);
// does acts[cond] in outer-context.
// uses acts[anything] if there is no acts[cond].
ahabit(condition-action, ((condition, cond), (actions, acts)),
ref outerctx = linked(ctx, "outer-context") ? ctx["outer-context"] : ctx;
diff --git a/starts/meaning-vm/level-2/habits.hpp b/starts/meaning-vm/level-2/habits.hpp
index 0bff7f7..b416ee0 100644
--- a/starts/meaning-vm/level-2/habits.hpp
+++ b/starts/meaning-vm/level-2/habits.hpp
@@ -1,10 +1,169 @@
+#pragma once
#include "common.hpp"
+#include "ref.hpp"
+#include "concepts.hpp"
namespace intellect {
namespace level2 {
void ensurehabitscreated(); // for running from static code, for construction order
+namespace concepts {
+ // make a link
+ // link(source, type, target)
+ static ref link("link");
+ // get if a link is permanent
+ // result = (link-crucial)(source, type, target)
+ static ref crucial("crucial");
+ // set a link to be permanent
+ // (link-set-crucial)(source, type, target)
+ static ref set("set");
+ // get if a link exists
+ // result = linked(source, type, target? = anything)
+ static ref linked("linked");
+ // remove a link
+ // unlink(source, type, target)
+ static ref unlink("unlink");
+ // get a link target by type
+ // result = get(source, type)
+ static ref get("get");
+ // set a link target, replacing an existing type if needed
+ // set(source, type, target)
+ // produce a totally new, empty concept, with no links to or from
+ // result = (make-concept)()
+ static ref make("make"), concept("concept");
+ // produce a new concept by copying links and data from an old concept.
+ // nothing will link to new concept.
+ // result = (make-copy)(concept)
+ static ref copy("copy");
+ // destroy a concept forever, for handling temporary data.
+ // this will fail if the concept is set to be crucial, or is in use.
+ // (concept-unmake)(concept)
+ static ref unmake("unmake");
+ // get if a concept is set to be crucial
+ // result = (concept-crucial)(concept)
+ // set a concept to be crucial
+ // r(concept-set-crucial)(concept)
+ // place a concept in a new group.
+ // forms a new link of type 'is', fails if one aleady exists
+ // concept = (know-is)(concept, group)
+ static ref know("know"), is("is") ;
+ // fill any concept with information about the first link entry in a concept
+ // if there is a link in the entry, then [type] and [target] will be present
+ // link-entry = (know-is-first-link-entry)(link-entry, concept)
+ static ref first("first"), entry("entry");
+ // fill any concept with information about the last link entry in a concept
+ // link-entry = (know-is-last-link-entry)(link-entry, concept)
+ static ref last("last");
+ // change a link entry concept to be about the next link in the concept
+ // link-entry = (next-link-entry)(link-entry)
+ // change a link entry concept to be about the previous link in the concept
+ // link-entry = (previous-link-entry)(link-entry)
+ static ref previous("previous");
+ // get if two link entry concepts refer to the same link entry
+ // result = (same-link-entry)(link-entry-A, link-entry-B)
+ static ref same("same");
+ // remove a link entry from a concept
+ // the entry will be about the next one, after the action
+ // link-entry = (link-entry-unlink)(link-entry)
+ // get if a link entry is set to be crucial
+ // result = (link-entry-crucial)(link-entry)
+ // set a link entry to be crucial & permanent
+ // (link-entry-set-crucial)(link-entry)
+ // add links to a concept facilitating use as a list
+ // list = (know-is-list)(list)
+ static ref list("list");
+ // get the first list-entry of a list
+ // result = (list-first-entry)(list)
+ // get the last list-entry of a list
+ // result = (list-last-entry)(list)
+ // get a subsequent list-entry
+ // result = (list-entry-next)(list-entry)
+ // get a preceding list-entry
+ // result = (list-entry-previous)(list-entry)
+ // get the item associated with a list-entry
+ // result = (list-entry-item)(list-entry)
+ static ref item("item");
+ // make a new entry in a list, holding an item concept
+ // list = (make-next-list-entry)(list, item)
+ // destroy forever an entry in a list. for lists of temporaries.
+ // the result is the next entry.
+ // result = (list-entry-unmake)(list-entry, le)
+ // action(list-entry, context) for every entry in a list until result made
+ // result = (list-each-entry)(list, context, action)
+ static ref each("each");
+ // get if a list has an item in it
+ // result = (list-has-item)(list, item)
+ static ref has("has");
+ // destroy forever an entry in its list, by the item it contains
+ // for lists of temporaries
+ // true = (list-item-entry-unmake)(list, item)
+ // the .act level-2 member function can ease list creation.
+ // it passes itself as the first argument to a habit
+ // (make-concept)().act(know-is-list)
+ // .act(make-next-list-entry, i1)
+ // .act(make-next-list-entry, i2)
+ // ...;
+ // make a concept holding an item in a translation map
+ // result = (make-map-item)(source, target)
+ static ref map("map");
+ // make a contextual subcontext for an action
+ // the maps are lists of translation map items
+ // result = (make-context-action)(needed-information-map, made-information-map, action)
+ static ref action("action");
+ // condition do one of multiple possible actions
+ // looks up actions[condition] and does that.
+ // does actions[anything] if nothing matches.
+ // result = (condition-action)(condition, actions)
+ static ref condition("condition");
+ // action handlers
+ // calls anything with a 'habit' handler: act(action, context)
+ // for action is habit: provides context as full context
+ // for action has habit: calls habit with unordered (context, action)
+ // recursively handles if habit itself has habit to handle it.
+ // the habit of habits, calls a habit: habit(context, action)
+ // the habit of context-actions, calls a subcontextual action: (context-action)(context, action)
+ // the habit of action lists, calls a list of actions: (action-list)(context, action)
+ // the habit of 'nothing', does nothing: (nothing)()
diff --git a/starts/meaning-vm/level-2/sugar.cpp b/starts/meaning-vm/level-2/sugar.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a86cca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/starts/meaning-vm/level-2/sugar.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+#include "sugar.hpp"
+#include <stdlib.h> // int rand(); void srand(int seed);
+#include <time.h> // int time(0); int clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, struct timespec *tp{tv_sec,tv_nsec})
+#include <unistd.h> // usleep(unsigned int usecs)
+namespace intellect {
+namespace level2 {
+namespace sugar {
+double rand(double min, double max)
+ // seed random number generator statically, for habit delay
+ static struct timespec tp;
+ static int seed = (
+ clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &tp),
+ srand(tp.tv_nsec),
+ tp.tv_nsec
+ );
+ (void)(seed);
+ return double(::rand()) / RAND_MAX * (max - min) + min;
+void usleep(unsigned int usecs)
+ ::usleep(usecs);
diff --git a/starts/meaning-vm/level-2/sugar.hpp b/starts/meaning-vm/level-2/sugar.hpp
index adedaa9..04393a1 100644
--- a/starts/meaning-vm/level-2/sugar.hpp
+++ b/starts/meaning-vm/level-2/sugar.hpp
@@ -1,11 +1,15 @@
#pragma once
-#include <stdlib.h> // int rand(); void srand(int seed);
-#include <time.h> // int time(0); int clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, struct timespec *tp{tv_sec,tv_nsec})
-#include <unistd.h> // usleep(unsigned int usecs)
#undef self
+namespace intellect {
+namespace level2 {
+namespace sugar {
+ void usleep(unsigned int usecs);
+ double rand(double min, double max);
// habits have a structure such that they contain information about their positional
// arguments. they are made with a macro that turns the args into local variables.
// the function to call them takes any number of arguments, and these are placed in the
@@ -28,8 +32,8 @@
[&](ref ctx) \
{ \
{ \
- static int delay = (double(rand()) / RAND_MAX * 400000 + 200000); \
- usleep(delay); \
+ static int delay = sugar::rand(200000, 400000); \
+ sugar::usleep(delay); \
} \
ref self = ref(#name); (void)self; \
ref result("nothing"); (void)result; \
@@ -55,10 +59,6 @@
ref tok = ctx.linked(ref(#name)) ? ctx[ref(#name)] : ref(#__VA_ARGS__);
#define _macro_habit_assume(info, tok, ...) \
if ((#__VA_ARGS__)[0] != 0) { intellect::level2::habitassume(_macro_habit_name, ref(#info), ref(#__VA_ARGS__)); }
- // seed random number generator statically, for habit delay
- namespace _macro_habit {
- static struct timespec tp;
- static int timeres = clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &tp);
- static int seed = (srand(tp.tv_nsec), tp.tv_nsec);
- }
diff --git a/starts/meaning-vm/level2.cpp b/starts/meaning-vm/level2.cpp
index c04a5cc..ebdf121 100644
--- a/starts/meaning-vm/level2.cpp
+++ b/starts/meaning-vm/level2.cpp
@@ -1,9 +1,54 @@
#include "level-2/level-2.hpp"
+#include "level-1/level-1.hpp"
#include <iostream>
+#include <set>
using namespace intellect::level2;
+using namespace intellect::level2::concepts;
int main()
+ decls(dump, name, of, is, nothing);
+ ahabit(name-of, ((concept, c)),
+ {
+ if (linked(c, name)) {
+ result = get(c, name);
+ } else {
+ for (auto & group : c.getAll(is)) {
+ result = (name-of)(group);
+ if (result != nothing) { break; }
+ }
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ if (result != nothing) {
+ ss << result.val<std::string>();
+ } else {
+ ss << "unnamed";
+ }
+ ss << "-" << std::hex << (size_t)(c.ptr());
+ intellect::level1::givename(c, ss.str());
+ result = get(c, name);
+ }
+ });
+ // I guess I'd better code dump as a behavior.
+ ahabit(dump, ((concept, c)),
+ {
+ decls(type, target);
+ static std::set<ref> dumped;
+ if (dumped.count(c) == 0) {
+ std::cout << (name-of)(c).val<std::string>() << ":" << std::endl;
+ dumped.insert(c);
+ ref le = (make-concept)().act(know-is-first-link-entry, c);
+ while (le.linked(target)) {
+ std::cout << " " << (name-of)(le.get(type)).val<std::string>() << ": " << (name-of)(le.get(target)).val<std::string>() << std::endl;
+ (next-link-entry)(le);
+ }
+ (know-is-first-link-entry)(le, c);
+ while (le.linked(target)) {
+ (dump)(le.get(target));
+ (next-link-entry)(le);
+ }
+ (unmake-concept)(le);
+ }
+ });
diff --git a/starts/meaning-vm/makefile b/starts/meaning-vm/makefile
index 0a9738c..b2df672 100644
--- a/starts/meaning-vm/makefile
+++ b/starts/meaning-vm/makefile
@@ -3,12 +3,12 @@
CXXFLAGS=-pedantic -Wall -Werror -Wno-error=deprecated-declarations -Wno-gnu-zero-variadic-macro-arguments -std=gnu++17 -fno-operator-names -ggdb -O0
-all: level0 level1 habit-starts/rhythm
+all: level0 level1 habit-starts/rhythm level2
level0: level0.o liblevel0.a
liblevel0.a: $(patsubst %.cpp,%.o,$(wildcard level-0/*.cpp))
level1: level1.o liblevel1.a
liblevel1.a: $(patsubst %.cpp,%.o,$(wildcard level-0/*.cpp)) $(patsubst %.cpp,%.o,$(wildcard level-1/*.cpp))
-level2: liblevel2.a
+level2: level2.o liblevel2.a
liblevel2.a: $(patsubst %.cpp,%.o,$(wildcard level-0/*.cpp)) $(patsubst %.cpp,%.o,$(wildcard level-1/*.cpp)) $(patsubst %.cpp,%.o,$(wildcard level-2/*.cpp))
habit-starts/rhythm: habit-starts/rhythm.o liblevel2.a