path: root/crystal/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'crystal/')
1 files changed, 90 insertions, 40 deletions
diff --git a/crystal/ b/crystal/
index 67d5c9e..73054c2 100644
--- a/crystal/
+++ b/crystal/
@@ -397,6 +397,26 @@ end
# end
+def dictdef( term : String ) : String
+ client ="localhost", 1234)
+ client.close
+ response = client.gets
+# unless response =~ /^220 / then return response end
+ client << "client bungmoBott\n"
+# unless response =~ /^250 / then return response end
+ client << "match english lev #{term}\n"
+ #spawn name: "BungmoBott::Socket dictd" do
+ while message = client.gets
+ response = client.gets
+ end
+ #end
+ if response
+ return response
+ else
+ return "dict definition not found"
+ end
def urbandef( term : String )
@@ -420,10 +440,14 @@ def urbandef( term : String )
#ssl_context.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VerifyMode::NONE
#{% end %}
- response = HTTP::Client.exec( "GET", "{term}", tls: ssl_context )
+ response = HTTP::Client.exec( "GET", "{URI.encode_www_form(term)}", tls: ssl_context )
puts response.status_code
json = JSON.parse( response.body )
- return json["list"][0]["definition"].to_s.gsub( /[\[\]]/, "" ).gsub( /(\r|\n)/, " " )
+ if json["list"][0]?
+ return json["list"][0]["definition"].to_s.gsub( /[\[\]]/, "" ).gsub( /(\r|\n)/, " " )
+ else
+ return "Urban Dictionary definition not found."
+ end
# FIXME: maybe break this out into separate functions later
@@ -1238,7 +1262,7 @@ end
fiber = fiberifc.receive
fibers[!] = fiber
-def ttsgcs( languagecode : String, voice : String, text : String, gcskey : String ) : Bytes
+def ttsgcs( languagecode : String, voice : String, text : String, gcskey : String ) : Bytes | JSON::Any
request = Hash( String, Hash( String, String ) ){
"input" => { "text" => text },
"audioConfig" => { "audioEncoding" => "MP3" },
@@ -1254,8 +1278,19 @@ def ttsgcs( languagecode : String, voice : String, text : String, gcskey : Strin
headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json; charset=utf-8"
response = HTTP::Client.exec( "POST", "{gcskey}", headers, request.to_json, tls: ssl_context )
+# {"error" => {
+# "code" => 500,
+# "message" => "Failed to synthesize with voice cmn-TW-Standard-B",
+# "status" => "INTERNAL"
+# }}
- return Base64.decode( json["audioContent"].as_s )
+ if json["audioContent"]?
+ return Base64.decode( json["audioContent"].as_s )
+ else
+ return json
+ end
def ttsaws( filepath : Path, voice : String, text : String )
@@ -1305,8 +1340,12 @@ spawn name: "text2speech" do
{% end %}
elsif ( match = voice.match( /^([a-zA-Z]{2,3}-[a-zA-Z]{2})/ ) )
if ( gcloud_token = secrets.gcloud_token ).is_a?( String ) # Google cloud voice
- mp3data = ttsgcs( match[1], voice, text, gcloud_token )
- playaudiodata( config.tempdir, mp3data )
+ ttsgcsreturn = ttsgcs( match[1], voice, text, gcloud_token )
+ if ttsgcsreturn.is_a?( Bytes )
+ playaudiodata( config.tempdir, ttsgcsreturn )
+ elsif ttsgcsreturn.is_a?( JSON::Any )
+ raise"text2speech Error: gcs #{ttsgcsreturn.to_s.gsub( /\n|\r/, "" )}")
+ end
elsif fibers["BungmoBott::Socket client"]?
bbscliifc.send( "gcst2s #{voice} #{text}" )
# The rest of this is dealt with in the BungmoBott::Socket client
@@ -1613,36 +1652,42 @@ if config.bungmobott_connect
ssl_socket.sync = true
negotiated = false
spawn name: "BungmoBott::Socket client ssl rx" do
- while message = ssl_socket.gets
- puts "#{}: " + message.gsub( bungmobott_key, "CENSORED" )
- if message =~ /^error/i
- raise"BungmoBott::Socket Error: #{message}")
- elsif message =~ /^authed/
- negotiated = true
- #ssl_socket.puts( "say twitch #{user} test" )
- elsif ( match = message.match( /^msg (twitch|gamesurge)/ ) )
- commandifc.send( { "#{match[1]}_remote", FastIRC.parse_line( message.split(" ")[2..].join(" ") ) } )
- elsif ( match = message.match( /^awst2s ([0-9]+)/ ) )
- datasize = match[1].to_u32
- audiodata = datasize )
- ssl_socket.fill_read( audiodata )
- playaudiodata( config.tempdir, audiodata )
- elsif ( match = message.match( /^gcst2s ([0-9]+)/ ) )
- datasize = match[1].to_u32
- audiodata = datasize )
- ssl_socket.fill_read( audiodata )
- playaudiodata( config.tempdir, audiodata )
- elsif ( match = message.match( /^awsvoicelist (.+)$/ ) )
- match[1].split(" ").each do | voice |
- voices[voice.downcase] = voice
- end
- writevoices()
- elsif ( match = message.match( /^gcsvoicelist (.+)$/ ) )
- match[1].split(" ").each do | voice |
- voices[voice.downcase] = voice
+ loop do
+ while message = ssl_socket.gets
+ puts "#{}: " + message.gsub( bungmobott_key, "CENSORED" )
+ if message =~ /^error/i
+ raise"BungmoBott::Socket Error: #{message}")
+ elsif message =~ /^authed/
+ negotiated = true
+ #ssl_socket.puts( "say twitch #{user} test" )
+ elsif ( match = message.match( /^msg (twitch|gamesurge)/ ) )
+ commandifc.send( { "#{match[1]}_remote", FastIRC.parse_line( message.split(" ")[2..].join(" ") ) } )
+ elsif ( match = message.match( /^awst2s ([0-9]+)/ ) )
+ datasize = match[1].to_u32
+ audiodata = datasize )
+ ssl_socket.fill_read( audiodata )
+ playaudiodata( config.tempdir, audiodata )
+ elsif ( match = message.match( /^gcst2s ([0-9]+)/ ) )
+ datasize = match[1].to_u32
+ audiodata = datasize )
+ ssl_socket.fill_read( audiodata )
+ playaudiodata( config.tempdir, audiodata )
+ elsif ( match = message.match( /^awsvoicelist (.+)$/ ) )
+ match[1].split(" ").each do | voice |
+ voices[voice.downcase] = voice
+ end
+ writevoices()
+ elsif ( match = message.match( /^gcsvoicelist (.+)$/ ) )
+ match[1].split(" ").each do | voice |
+ voices[voice.downcase] = voice
+ end
+ writevoices()
- writevoices()
+ rescue ex
+ pp ex
+ puts "WARNING: unhandled exception #{ex.backtrace}"
+ #say_all_self_chan( "An error occurred! " + ex.message.to_s )
ssl_socket.puts( "auth #{user} #{bungmobott_key}" )
@@ -1662,7 +1707,7 @@ if config.bungmobott_connect
fibers[!] = fiber
-# BungmoBott::Socket fiber
+# BungmoBott::Socket server fiber
if config.bungmobott_listen
spawn name: "BungmoBott::Socket server" do
fiberifc.send( Fiber.current )
@@ -1743,11 +1788,16 @@ if config.bungmobott_listen
if ( match = message.match( /^gcsvoicelist$/i ) )
client.puts "gcsvoicelist " + generatevoicelistgcs( ( gcloud_token ) ).join(" ")
elsif ( match = message.match( /^gcst2s (([a-zA-Z]{2,3}-[a-zA-Z]{2})[a-zA-Z0-9-]+) (.+)/i ) )
- mp3data = ttsgcs( match[2], match[1], match[3], gcloud_token )
- client.puts "gcst2s #{mp3data.size}"
- STDOUT.puts "SENT: gcst2s #{mp3data.size}"
- client.unbuffered_write( mp3data )
- STDOUT.puts "SENT: mp3data"
+ ttsgcsreturn = ttsgcs( match[2], match[1], match[3], gcloud_token )
+ if ttsgcsreturn.is_a?( Bytes )
+ client.puts "gcst2s #{ttsgcsreturn.size}"
+ STDOUT.puts "SENT: gcst2s #{ttsgcsreturn.size}"
+ client.unbuffered_write( ttsgcsreturn )
+ STDOUT.puts "SENT: ttsgcsreturn"
+ elsif ttsgcsreturn.is_a?( JSON::Any )
+ client.puts "error gcst2s #{ttsgcsreturn.to_s.gsub( /\n|\r/, "" )}"
+ STDOUT.puts "SENT: error gcst2s #{ttsgcsreturn.to_s.gsub( /\n|\r/, "" )}"
+ end
client.puts "ERROR: gcloud_token missing, gcs commands disabled."