path: root/public-domain-clipart/Tableau-blanc.svg
diff options
authorSarah Sharp <>2016-04-18 09:12:02 -0700
committerSarah Sharp <>2016-04-18 09:12:02 -0700
commit26c5fe920602533abbf9db51902e0816d7e5d14b (patch)
tree3c28cd3dd029a8b51c1ab40b0510be0d022c0d8b /public-domain-clipart/Tableau-blanc.svg
parentf839cc773bcb9f3a2eef45359847aedef1acf634 (diff)
Add public domain clipart for FOSS process flow.
All CC-Zero licensed from (or modifications by me of clipart from that site). Signed-off-by: Sarah Sharp <>
Diffstat (limited to 'public-domain-clipart/Tableau-blanc.svg')
1 files changed, 253 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/public-domain-clipart/Tableau-blanc.svg b/public-domain-clipart/Tableau-blanc.svg
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