diff options
authorJoe Rayhawk <>2011-05-22 22:19:16 -0700
committerJoe Rayhawk <>2011-05-24 18:17:56 -0700
commitff4ff7c79ee0f37e84471e93804a95074b8e84ae (patch)
parent4965b97b6dc3e4fac4c2a8271dfd91a3ea2ccde6 (diff)
Attempt to support core.sharedRepository
5 files changed, 189 insertions, 48 deletions
diff --git a/libpiny/lib/Piny/ b/libpiny/lib/Piny/
index a1813d4..1da5631 100644
--- a/libpiny/lib/Piny/
+++ b/libpiny/lib/Piny/
@@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ subtype 'HttpsUrl'
subtype 'RepoPermission'
=> as 'Str'
- => where { $_ eq "0666" or $_ eq "0664" or $_ eq "0660" or $_ eq "0640" or $_ eq "group" or $_ eq "true" or $_ eq "false" or $_ eq "all" or $_ eq "everybody" or $_ eq "world"}
- => message { 'Must be one of 0666, 0664 (or all, everybody, world), 0660 (or true, group), or 0640 (or false).' }
+ => where { $_ eq "0666" or $_ eq "0664" or $_ eq "0660" or $_ eq "0640" or $_ eq "group" or $_ eq "true" or $_ eq "false" or $_ eq "all" or $_ eq "everybody" or $_ eq "world" or $_ eq "1" or $_ eq "2" }
+ => message { 'Must be one of 0666, 0664 (or all, everybody, world), 0660 (or true, 1, group), or 0640 (or false, 0).' }
# Attributes
diff --git a/libpiny/lib/Piny/ b/libpiny/lib/Piny/
index 3bb275d..8c38323 100644
--- a/libpiny/lib/Piny/
+++ b/libpiny/lib/Piny/
@@ -174,7 +174,21 @@ has 'secure_path' =>
, init_arg => undef
-has 'apache_config' =>
+has 'apache_global_config' =>
+ ( is => 'ro'
+ , isa => 'Str'
+ , lazy_build => 1
+ , init_arg => undef
+ );
+has 'apache_secure_config' =>
+ ( is => 'ro'
+ , isa => 'Str'
+ , lazy_build => 1
+ , init_arg => undef
+ );
+has 'apache_www_config' =>
( is => 'ro'
, isa => 'Str'
, lazy_build => 1
@@ -224,6 +238,9 @@ sub rebuild {
sub rebuild_git {
my ( $s ) = @_;
+ my $dirperm;
+ my $fileperm;
unless( getgrnam("git-" . $s->shortname ) ) {
system( "/usr/sbin/addgroup", "--quiet", "git-" . $s->shortname ) and die "Could not create repo group!";
system( "/usr/sbin/adduser", "--quiet", $s->owner->name, "git-" . $s->shortname ) and die "Could not add you to the repo group!";
@@ -237,20 +254,45 @@ sub rebuild_git {
- chown( 0, 0, $s->path, $s->path . "/config" ) or die "Could not change ownership of git config!";
foreach( "info", "logs", "branches" ) {
(-e $s->path . "/" . $_) or mkdir( $s->path . "/" . $_ ) or die "Could not mkdir $_ for repo: $!";
- foreach( "branches", "description", "HEAD", "info", "logs", "objects", "packed-refs", "refs" ) {
- system( "/bin/chown", "-R", $s->owner->name . "." . $s->group->name, $s->path . "/" . $_ ) and die "Could not change ownership of $_ for repo: $!";
+ if ( $s->config->core_sharedrepository eq "0666" ) {
+ $dirperm = "2777";
+ $fileperm = "0644";
+ } elsif ( $s->config->core_sharedrepository =~ /^(0664|all|everybody|world)$/ ) {
+ $dirperm = "2775";
+ $fileperm = "0644";
+ } elsif ( $s->config->core_sharedrepository =~ /^(0660|true|1|group)$/ ) {
+ $dirperm = "2770";
+ $fileperm = "0640";
+ } elsif ( $s->config->core_sharedrepository =~ /^(0640|false|0)$/ ) {
+ $dirperm = "2750";
+ $fileperm = "0640";
+ } else {
+ die $s->config->core_sharedrepository . "is an unhandled value!"
+ };
+ # FIXME: we should verify we are not breaking someone else's object hardlinks with these chmod or chown operations
+ system( "/usr/bin/find " . $s->path . "/refs " . $s->path . "/info " . $s->path . "/branches " . $s->path . "/objects " . $s->path . "/logs " . $s->path . "/HEAD " . $s->path . "/packed-refs -type d -print0 | /usr/bin/xargs -0 /bin/chmod $dirperm" ) and die "Could not chmod shared git resources!";
+ system( "/usr/bin/find " . $s->path . "/refs " . $s->path . "/info " . $s->path . "/branches " . $s->path . "/objects " . $s->path . "/logs " . $s->path . "/HEAD " . $s->path . "/packed-refs -type f -print0 | /usr/bin/xargs -0 /bin/chmod $fileperm" ) and die "Could not chmod shared git resources!"; # most files are either immutable or replaced at link level
+ system( "/usr/bin/find " . $s->path . "/refs " . $s->path . "/info " . $s->path . "/branches " . $s->path . "/objects " . $s->path . "/logs " . $s->path . "/HEAD " . $s->path . "/packed-refs -print0 | /usr/bin/xargs -0 /bin/chgrp " . $s->group->name ) and die "Could not chgrp shared git resources!";
+ chown( 0, 0, $s->path ) or die "Could not change ownership of " . $s->path;
+ chmod( 00755, $s->path ) or die "Could not change mode of " . $s->path;
+ foreach( "config", "description", "git-daemon-export-ok" ) {
+ chown( 0, 0, $s->path . "/" . $_ ) or die "Could not change ownership of $_!";
+ chmod( 00644, $s->path . "/" . $_ ) or die "Could not change mode of $_!";
$ENV{"GIT_DIR"} = $s->path;
system( "/usr/bin/git", "config", "gitweb.owner", $s->owner->email->address ) and die "Could not git config gitweb.owner!";
# packed-refs files aren't modifiable under our permission system and are poorly supported on old version of git anyway.
system( "/usr/bin/git", "config", "gc.packrefs", "0" ) and die "Could not git config gc.packrefs!";
+ # git-upload-pack will default to core.sharedrepository 'false', so we make sure the pinyconfig value is set here.
+ system( "/usr/bin/git", "config", "core.sharedrepository", $s->config->core_sharedrepository ) and die "Could not git config core.sharedrepository!";
delete $ENV{"GIT_DIR"};
@@ -274,15 +316,16 @@ sub rebuild_ikiwiki {
print SETUP $s->ikiwiki_setup;
close( SETUP ) or die "Could not close new ikiwiki setup file: $!";
- unless( -d $s->ikiwiki_srcdir ) {
- system( "/usr/bin/git", "clone", "--quiet", $s->path, $s->ikiwiki_srcdir ) and die "Could not clone repo to ikiwiki srcdir!";
+ foreach( $s->ikiwiki_srcdir, $s->config->piny_ikiwikidestdir . $s->name, $s->ikiwiki_destdir, $s->secure_path ) {
+ unless( -d $_ ) { mkdir( $_ ) };
+ system( "/bin/chown", "-R", $ikiuser->name . ".", $_ ) and die "Could not change ownership of ikiwiki directories!";
system( "/usr/bin/find " . $s->ikiwiki_srcdir . " -type d -name .ikiwiki -print0 | xargs -0 --no-run-if-empty rm -r") and die "Could not remove old Ikiwiki state dir!";
- foreach( $s->ikiwiki_srcdir, $s->ikiwiki_destdir, $s->secure_path ) {
- unless( -d $_ ) { mkdir( $_ ) };
- system( "/bin/chown", "-R", $ikiuser->name . ".", $_ ) and die "Could not change ownership of ikiwiki directories!";
+ unless( -d $s->ikiwiki_srcdir . ".git" ) {
+ # do this after the chown -R because there are a lot of object hardlinks flying around that don't want to chown
+ system( "/usr/bin/sudo", "-u", $ikiuser->name, "/usr/bin/git", "clone", "--quiet", $s->path, $s->ikiwiki_srcdir ) and die "Could not clone repo to ikiwiki srcdir!";
open( WIKILIST, ">", "/etc/ikiwiki/wikilist.d/" . $s->name ) or die "Could not create wikilist.d file: $!";
@@ -293,12 +336,23 @@ sub rebuild_ikiwiki {
system( "/usr/bin/sudo", "-u", $ikiuser->name, "/usr/bin/ikiwiki", "--setup", "/etc/ikiwiki/piny/" . $s->name . ".setup" ) and die "Could not do initial compile of ikiwiki!";
- open( APACHE, ">", "/etc/apache2/piny-available/" . $s->name ) or die "Could not open new apache config: $!";
- print APACHE $s->apache_config;
- close( APACHE ) or die "Could not close new apache config: $!";
+ my $globaltemp = File::Temp->new( ) or die "Could not create temporary file: $!";
+ $globaltemp->unlink_on_destroy( 0 );
+ print $globaltemp $s->apache_global_config;
+ $globaltemp->close or die "Could not close new wikilist: $!";
+ rename( $globaltemp->filename, "/etc/apache2/piny/global/" . $s->name ) or die "Could not rename apache config: $!";
+ my $securetemp = File::Temp->new( ) or die "Could not create temporary file: $!";
+ $securetemp->unlink_on_destroy( 0 );
+ print $securetemp $s->apache_secure_config;
+ $securetemp->close or die "Could not close new wikilist: $!";
+ rename( $securetemp->filename, "/etc/apache2/piny/secure/" . $s->name ) or die "Could not rename apache config: $!";
- unlink( "/etc/apache2/piny-enabled/" . $s->name );
- symlink( "/etc/apache2/piny-available/" . $s->name, "/etc/apache2/piny-enabled/" . $s->name ) or die "Could not symlink apache config: $!";
+ my $wwwtemp = File::Temp->new( ) or die "Could not create temporary file: $!";
+ $wwwtemp->unlink_on_destroy( 0 );
+ print $wwwtemp $s->apache_www_config;
+ $wwwtemp->close or die "Could not close new wikilist: $!";
+ rename( $wwwtemp->filename, "/etc/apache2/piny/www/" . $s->name ) or die "Could not rename apache config: $!";
system( "/etc/init.d/apache2", "reload" ) and die "Could not reload apache config!";
@@ -340,7 +394,7 @@ sub destroy_ikiwiki {
my $user = Piny::Environment->instance->user;
- foreach( "/etc/apache2/piny-enabled/" . $s->name, "/etc/apache2/piny-available/" . $s->name, ) {
+ foreach( "/etc/apache2/piny/global/" . $s->name, "/etc/apache2/piny/secure/" . $s->name, "/etc/apache2/piny/www/" . $s->name, ) {
if ( -e $_ ) {
unlink( $_ );
@@ -353,7 +407,7 @@ sub destroy_ikiwiki {
- foreach( $s->secure_path, $s->ikiwiki_destdir, $s->ikiwiki_srcdir, "/etc/ikiwiki/piny/" . $s->name . ".setup" ) {
+ foreach( $s->secure_path, $s->config->piny_ikiwikidestdir . $s->name, $s->config->piny_ikiwikisecurepath . "read/" . $s->name, $s->ikiwiki_destdir, $s->ikiwiki_srcdir, "/etc/ikiwiki/piny/" . $s->name . ".setup" ) {
if ( -e $_ ) {
system( "rm", "-rf", $_ );
@@ -417,18 +471,19 @@ sub create {
mkdir( $repo->path ) or die "The repo $name appears to already exist! ($!)";
- $ENV{"GIT_DIR"} = $repo->path;
- system( "/usr/bin/git", "init", "--bare", "--quiet", "--shared" ) and die "Could not initialize git repo!";
- delete $ENV{"GIT_DIR"};
- system( "/bin/chown", "-R", $user->name, $repo->path . "/objects" ) and die "Could not change ownership of $_ for repo: $!";
+ chdir( "/srv/git" ); # so git-clone can do the work of resolving local repo names for us
if ( defined $source ) {
- $ENV{"GIT_DIR"} = $source;
- system( "/usr/bin/git", "push", "--mirror", $repo->path ) and die "Could not push refs to new repository!";
- delete $ENV{"GIT_DIR"};
+ system( "/bin/chown", $user . "." . $user, $repo->path ) and die "Could not change ownership of repo path!"; # permissions are overridden later
+ if ( system( "/usr/bin/sudo", "-u", $user, "/usr/bin/git", "clone", "--bare", "--no-hardlinks", "--quiet", $source, $repo->path ) ) { # sudo -u $user needed in order to test user readability of whatever they want to clone. the mode o+rx should probably be masked off if we want private repos to stay private.
+ system( "/bin/rm", "-r", $repo->path ) and die "Failed to clean up after failed clone operation!";
+ die( "Could not clone repository!\n" );
+ };
+ } else {
+ system( "/usr/bin/git", "init", "--bare", "--quiet", $repo->path ) and die "Could not initialize git repo!";
+ system( "/bin/chown", "-R", $user->name, $repo->path . "/objects" ) and die "Could not change ownership of $_ for repo: $!";
$repo->description( $description );
@@ -544,7 +599,17 @@ sub _build_globally_writable {
sub _build_cgit_url {
my ( $s ) = @_;
- return $s->config->piny_ikiwikisecureurl . "cgit/" . $s->name;
+ if ( $s->config->core_sharedrepository eq "0666" ) {
+ return $s->config->piny_ikiwikisecureurl . "cgit/" . $s->name;
+ } elsif ( $s->config->core_sharedrepository =~ /^(0664|all|everybody|world)$/ ) {
+ return $s->config->piny_ikiwikisecureurl . "cgit/" . $s->name;
+ } elsif ( $s->config->core_sharedrepository =~ /^(0660|true|1|group)$/ ) {
+ return $s->config->piny_ikiwikisecureurl . "auth/cgit/" . $s->name;
+ } elsif ( $s->config->core_sharedrepository =~ /^(0640|false|0)$/ ) {
+ return $s->config->piny_ikiwikisecureurl . "auth/cgit/" . $s->name;
+ } else {
+ die ( $s->config->core_sharedrepository . "is an unhandled value!" );
+ };
sub _build_ikiwiki_setup {
@@ -593,7 +658,17 @@ sub _build_ikiwiki_setup {
sub _build_ikiwiki_destdir {
my ( $s ) = @_;
- return $s->config->piny_ikiwikidestdir . $s->name;
+ if ( $s->config->core_sharedrepository eq "0666" ) {
+ return ( $s->config->piny_ikiwikidestdir . $s->name );
+ } elsif ( $s->config->core_sharedrepository =~ /^(0664|all|everybody|world)$/ ) {
+ return ( $s->config->piny_ikiwikidestdir . $s->name );
+ } elsif ( $s->config->core_sharedrepository =~ /^(0660|true|1|group)$/ ) {
+ return ( $s->config->piny_ikiwikisecurepath . "read/" . $s->name );
+ } elsif ( $s->config->core_sharedrepository =~ /^(0640|false|0)$/ ) {
+ return ( $s->config->piny_ikiwikisecurepath . "read/" . $s->name );
+ } else {
+ die ( $s->config->core_sharedrepository . "is an unhandled value!" );
+ };
sub _build_ikiwiki_srcdir {
@@ -605,19 +680,29 @@ sub _build_ikiwiki_srcdir {
sub _build_ikiwiki_url {
my ( $s ) = @_;
- return $s->config->piny_ikiwikiurl . $s->name;
+ if ( $s->config->core_sharedrepository eq "0666" ) {
+ return ( $s->config->piny_ikiwikiurl . $s->name );
+ } elsif ( $s->config->core_sharedrepository =~ /^(0664|all|everybody|world)$/ ) {
+ return ( $s->config->piny_ikiwikiurl . $s->name );
+ } elsif ( $s->config->core_sharedrepository =~ /^(0660|true|1|group)$/ ) {
+ return ( $s->config->piny_ikiwikisecureurl . "read/" . $s->name );
+ } elsif ( $s->config->core_sharedrepository =~ /^(0640|false|0)$/ ) {
+ return ( $s->config->piny_ikiwikisecureurl . "read/" . $s->name );
+ } else {
+ die ( $s->config->core_sharedrepository . "is an unhandled value!" );
+ };
sub _build_ikiwiki_cgiurl {
my ( $s ) = @_;
- return $s->config->piny_ikiwikisecureurl . "repos/" . $s->name . "/ikiwiki.cgi";
+ return $s->config->piny_ikiwikisecureurl . "write/" . $s->name . "/ikiwiki.cgi";
sub _build_secure_path {
my ( $s ) = @_;
- return $s->config->piny_ikiwikisecurepath . "repos/" . $s->name;
+ return $s->config->piny_ikiwikisecurepath . "write/" . $s->name;
sub _build_ikiwiki_cgipath {
@@ -629,27 +714,71 @@ sub _build_ikiwiki_cgipath {
sub _build_ikiwiki_historyurl {
my ( $s ) = @_;
- if ( defined $s->config->{"https_url"} ) {
- return $s->config->{"https_url"} . "cgit/" . $s->name . "/log/[[file]]";
+ return $s->cgit_url . "/log/[[file]]";
+sub _build_ikiwiki_diffurl {
+ my ( $s ) = @_;
+ return $s->cgit_url . "/log/[[file]]";
+sub _build_apache_global_config {
+ my ( $s ) = @_;
+ if ( $s->config->core_sharedrepository eq "0666" ) {
+ return (
+ "<Directory " . $s->secure_path . ">\n SSLRequireSSL\n AuthPAM_Enabled on\n" . " AuthPAM_FallThrough off\n AuthBasicAuthoritative off\n AuthType Basic\n AuthName \"Valid Piny user needed.\"\n" . " Require valid-user\n" . " </Directory>\n"
+ );
+ } elsif ( $s->config->core_sharedrepository =~ /^(0664|all|everybody|world)$/ ) {
+ return (
+ "<Directory " . $s->secure_path . ">\n SSLRequireSSL\n AuthPAM_Enabled on\n AuthGROUP_Enabled on\n AuthPAM_FallThrough off\n AuthBasicAuthoritative off\n AuthType Basic\n AuthName \"User with access to " . $s->name . " repository needed.\"\n Require group " . $s->group->name . "\n</Directory>\n"
+ );
+ } elsif ( $s->config->core_sharedrepository =~ /^(0660|true|1|group)$/ ) {
+ return (
+ "<Directory " . $s->secure_path . ">\n SSLRequireSSL\n AuthPAM_Enabled on\n AuthGROUP_Enabled on\n AuthPAM_FallThrough off\n AuthBasicAuthoritative off\n AuthType Basic\n AuthName \"User with access to " . $s->name . " repository needed.\"\n Require group " . $s->group->name . "\n</Directory>\n" .
+ "<Directory " . $s->ikiwiki_destdir . ">\n SSLRequireSSL\n AuthPAM_Enabled on\n AuthGROUP_Enabled on\n AuthPAM_FallThrough off\n AuthBasicAuthoritative off\n AuthType Basic\n AuthName \"User with access to " . $s->name . " repository needed.\"\n Require group " . $s->group->name . "\n</Directory>\n"
+ );
+ } elsif ( $s->config->core_sharedrepository =~ /^(0640|false|0)$/ ) {
+ return (
+ "<Directory " . $s->secure_path . ">\n SSLRequireSSL\n AuthPAM_Enabled on\n" . " AuthPAM_FallThrough off\n AuthBasicAuthoritative off\n AuthType Basic\n AuthName \"Owner of " . $s->name . " repository needed.\"\n Require user " . $s->owner->name . "\n</Directory>\n" .
+ "<Directory " . $s->ikiwiki_destdir . ">\n SSLRequireSSL\n AuthPAM_Enabled on\n AuthGROUP_Enabled on\n AuthPAM_FallThrough off\n AuthBasicAuthoritative off\n AuthType Basic\n AuthName \"User with access to " . $s->name . " repository needed.\"\n Require group " . $s->group->name . "\n</Directory>\n"
+ );
} else {
- return $s->config->piny_ikiwikisecureurl . "cgit/" . $s->name . "/log/[[file]]";
+ die ( $s->config->core_sharedrepository . "is an unhandled value!" );
-sub _build_ikiwiki_diffurl {
+sub _build_apache_secure_config {
my ( $s ) = @_;
- if ( defined $s->config->{"https_url"} ) {
- return $s->config->{"https_url"} . "cgit/" . $s->name . "/diff/?id=[[sha1_commit]]";
+ if ( $s->config->core_sharedrepository eq "0666" ) {
+ return ( "Redirect /read/" . $s->name . " " . $s->ikiwiki_url . "\n" );
+ } elsif ( $s->config->core_sharedrepository =~ /^(0664|all|everybody|world)$/ ) {
+ return ( "Redirect /read/" . $s->name . " " . $s->ikiwiki_url . "\n" );
+ } elsif ( $s->config->core_sharedrepository =~ /^(0660|true|1|group)$/ ) {
+ return ( "Redirect /cgit/" . $s->name . " /auth/cgit/" . $s->name . "\n" );
+ } elsif ( $s->config->core_sharedrepository =~ /^(0640|false|0)$/ ) {
+ return ( "Redirect /cgit/" . $s->name . " /auth/cgit/" . $s->name . "\n" );
} else {
- return $s->config->piny_ikiwikisecureurl . "cgit/" . $s->name . "/diff/?id=[[sha1_commit]]";
+ die ( $s->config->core_sharedrepository . "is an unhandled value!" );
-sub _build_apache_config {
+sub _build_apache_www_config {
my ( $s ) = @_;
- return "<Directory " . $s->secure_path . ">\n AuthPAM_Enabled on\n AuthGROUP_Enabled on\n AuthPAM_FallThrough off\n AuthBasicAuthoritative off\n AuthType Basic\n AuthName \"User access to " . $s->name . " repository needed.\"\n Require group " . $s->group->name . "\n</Directory>\n";
+ if ( $s->config->core_sharedrepository eq "0666" ) {
+ return ( "\n" );
+ } elsif ( $s->config->core_sharedrepository =~ /^(0664|all|everybody|world)$/ ) {
+ return ( "\n" );
+ } elsif ( $s->config->core_sharedrepository =~ /^(0660|true|1|group)$/ ) {
+ return ( "Redirect /" . $s->name . " " . $s->ikiwiki_url . "\n" );
+ } elsif ( $s->config->core_sharedrepository =~ /^(0640|false|0)$/ ) {
+ return ( "Redirect /" . $s->name . " " . $s->ikiwiki_url . "\n" );
+ } else {
+ die ( $s->config->core_sharedrepository . "is an unhandled value!" );
+ };
sub _build_config {
diff --git a/pinyadmin/bin/pinyshell b/pinyadmin/bin/pinyshell
index 0db88a8..37d86e4 100755
--- a/pinyadmin/bin/pinyshell
+++ b/pinyadmin/bin/pinyshell
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
cd /srv/rbin
+umask 0027
export PATH=/srv/rbin
exec /bin/rbash "$@"
diff --git a/pinyconfigs/Makefile b/pinyconfigs/Makefile
index 8a23b38..aea5e63 100644
--- a/pinyconfigs/Makefile
+++ b/pinyconfigs/Makefile
@@ -2,9 +2,11 @@ build:
install -o root -g root -m 755 -d \
- $(DESTDIR)/etc/apache2/piny-available \
- $(DESTDIR)/etc/apache2/piny-enabled \
+ $(DESTDIR)/etc/apache2/piny/www \
+ $(DESTDIR)/etc/apache2/piny/secure \
+ $(DESTDIR)/etc/apache2/piny/global \
$(DESTDIR)/etc/apache2/sites-available \
+ $(DESTDIR)/etc/apache2/conf.d \
$(DESTDIR)/etc/cron.weekly \
$(DESTDIR)/etc/ikiwiki/wikilist.d \
$(DESTDIR)/etc/sudoers.d \
@@ -13,6 +15,7 @@ install:
install -o root -g root -m 644 etc/cgitrc etc/piny-default.conf etc/piny-override.conf $(DESTDIR)/etc
install -o root -g root -m 644 etc/apache2/envvars $(DESTDIR)/etc/apache2
install -o root -g root -m 644 etc/apache2/sites-available/piny $(DESTDIR)/etc/apache2/sites-available
+ install -o root -g root -m 644 etc/apache2/conf.d/piny $(DESTDIR)/etc/apache2/conf.d
install -o root -g root -m 755 etc/cron.weekly/piny $(DESTDIR)/etc/cron.weekly
install -o root -g root -m 600 etc/sudoers.d/pinyadmin $(DESTDIR)/etc/sudoers.d
install -o root -g root -m 755 etc/sv/git-daemon/run $(DESTDIR)/etc/sv/git-daemon
diff --git a/pinyconfigs/etc/apache2/sites-available/piny b/pinyconfigs/etc/apache2/sites-available/piny
index 691c238..3ac13f5 100644
--- a/pinyconfigs/etc/apache2/sites-available/piny
+++ b/pinyconfigs/etc/apache2/sites-available/piny
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
Alias /js /usr/share/javascript
RedirectMatch 301 ^/$
+ Include /etc/apache2/piny/www
<VirtualHost *:80>
@@ -34,6 +36,8 @@
SSLEngine On
SSLCertificateFile /etc/ssl/private/
SSLCACertificateFile /etc/ssl/private/GandiStandardSSLCA.pem
+ Include /etc/apache2/piny/www
<VirtualHost *:80>
@@ -45,10 +49,14 @@
DocumentRoot /srv/www/
- <Directory "/srv/www/">
+ <Directory />
+ Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
+ AllowOverride None
+ </Directory>
+ <Directory "/srv/www/">
SetHandler cgi-script
- AllowOverride None
Options +ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
@@ -67,11 +75,11 @@
ScriptAlias /piny-validate /usr/lib/cgi-bin/piny/checkconstraint.cgi
ScriptAlias /auth /usr/lib/cgi-bin/piny/auth
- Include /etc/apache2/piny-enabled
SSLEngine On
SSLCertificateFile /etc/ssl/private/
SSLCACertificateFile /etc/ssl/private/GandiStandardSSLCA.pem
+ Include /etc/apache2/piny/secure
<VirtualHost *:80>