path: root/libpiny
diff options
authorBryan Bishop <>2010-10-29 19:46:24 -0500
committerBryan Bishop <>2010-10-29 19:46:24 -0500
commit7786ce2a332b0eba4b3ca7c57f906a32e8715da3 (patch)
tree5a9fe32b69a93f41ae2ac82a50788fe50c0d86fb /libpiny
parent413373be9ab30eb21b564cdc180cb2dcda77bfeb (diff)
Starting repo cleanup to make this not so awful
Diffstat (limited to 'libpiny')
18 files changed, 1670 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libpiny/Build.PL b/libpiny/Build.PL
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bfb5fd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libpiny/Build.PL
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+use Module::Build;
+open( DCH, "<", "debian/changelog" ) or die "changelog: $!";
+my $version = "0";
+while ( defined ( my $line = <DCH> ) ) {
+ if ( $line =~ /\(([0-9.]+)\)/ ) {
+ $version = $1;
+ last;
+ };
+close( DCH );
+my $build = Module::Build->new
+ ( 'module_name' => 'Piny'
+ , 'dist_version' => $version
+ , 'license' => 'BSD-3'
+ , 'setup_files' => { 'share/ikiwiki.setup' => 'share/ikiwiki.setup' }
+ , 'install_path' =>
+ { 'share' => '/usr/share/libpiny'
+ }
+ , 'requires' =>
+ { 'Moose' => 0
+ , 'Email::Valid::Loose' => 0
+ }
+ );
+$build->add_build_element( "setup" );
+$build->create_build_script( );
diff --git a/libpiny/debian/changelog b/libpiny/debian/changelog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e97c2fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libpiny/debian/changelog
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+libpiny-perl (0.14) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Support rebuilding a repo's config.
+ -- Julian Blake Kongslie <> Wed, 13 Oct 2010 20:38:15 -0700
+libpiny-perl (0.13) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Vastly overhauled the config stuff.
+ -- Julian Blake Kongslie <> Mon, 11 Oct 2010 21:55:40 -0700
+libpiny-perl (0.12) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Support for per-repo configuration in the git config, section piny.
+ * Support for per-repo custom http/https base URLs.
+ -- Julian Blake Kongslie <> Sun, 01 Aug 2010 20:07:44 -0700
+libpiny-perl (0.11) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Destroying dead repos.
+ -- Julian Blake Kongslie <> Mon, 19 Jul 2010 02:30:01 -0700
+libpiny-perl (0.10) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Support for the global /etc/piny.conf stuff.
+ -- Julian Blake Kongslie <> Sun, 18 Jul 2010 21:23:28 -0700
+libpiny-perl (0.9) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Creating new repos.
+ -- Julian Blake Kongslie <> Wed, 07 Jul 2010 15:34:37 -0700
+libpiny-perl (0.8) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Added apache config stuff.
+ -- Julian Blake Kongslie <> Wed, 07 Jul 2010 14:26:38 -0700
+libpiny-perl (0.7) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Lots more ikiwiki integration.
+ -- Julian Blake Kongslie <> Wed, 07 Jul 2010 13:45:42 -0700
+libpiny-perl (0.6) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Added IkiWiki::FakeSetup for manipulating IkiWiki setup scripts.
+ -- Julian Blake Kongslie <> Wed, 07 Jul 2010 12:12:37 -0700
+libpiny-perl (0.5) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Allow listing repos and querying access rights.
+ -- Julian Blake Kongslie <> Tue, 29 Jun 2010 22:28:59 -0700
+libpiny-perl (0.4) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Switch to native packaging.
+ -- Julian Blake Kongslie <> Sun, 18 Apr 2010 12:33:19 -0700
+libpiny-perl (0.3-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Fix some build-depends stuff.
+ * Add group membership manipulation.
+ * Add some more type constraints.
+ * Fix a bug in the username detection.
+ * Forbid purely-numeric usernames.
+ * Use fixed paths to reach adduser and deluser.
+ -- Julian Blake Kongslie <> Thu, 18 Mar 2010 16:56:24 -0700
+libpiny-perl (0.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Switched to Module::Build because it seems marginally sane.
+ -- Julian Blake Kongslie <> Thu, 18 Mar 2010 00:08:05 -0700
+libpiny-perl (0.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Initial release.
+ -- Julian Blake Kongslie <> Wed, 17 Mar 2010 23:44:25 -0700
diff --git a/libpiny/debian/compat b/libpiny/debian/compat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f8f011
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libpiny/debian/compat
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/libpiny/debian/control b/libpiny/debian/control
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b64d8fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libpiny/debian/control
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Source: libpiny-perl
+Maintainer: Julian Blake Kongslie <>
+Section: perl
+Build-depends: debhelper (>= 7)
+Priority: extra
+Standards-version: 3.8.4
+Package: libpiny-perl
+Architecture: all
+Depends: ${perl:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, libconfig-simple-perl, libemail-valid-loose-perl, libmoose-perl, libmoosex-singleton-perl, libmoosex-strictconstructor-perl
+Description: Perl interface for the piny infrastructure
+ This is a set of modules for accomplishing administrative tasks in the
+ infrastructure.
diff --git a/libpiny/debian/copyright b/libpiny/debian/copyright
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db049e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libpiny/debian/copyright
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Copyright © 2010 Julian Blake Kongslie <>
+Licensed under the BSD 3-clause license.
diff --git a/libpiny/debian/rules b/libpiny/debian/rules
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2d33f6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libpiny/debian/rules
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+#!/usr/bin/make -f
+ dh $@
diff --git a/libpiny/debian/source/format b/libpiny/debian/source/format
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89ae9db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libpiny/debian/source/format
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+3.0 (native)
diff --git a/libpiny/lib/IkiWiki/ b/libpiny/lib/IkiWiki/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9c823b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libpiny/lib/IkiWiki/
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+package IkiWiki::FakeSetup;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Data::Dumper qw( );
+use Exporter qw( import );
+our @EXPORT_OK = qw( readSetup writeSetup );
+sub readSetup {
+ my ( $setupfile ) = @_;
+ # Sorry about the use of globals but it's hard to share lexicals with dynamically generated source.
+ $IkiWiki::FakeSetup::package = undef;
+ @IkiWiki::FakeSetup::args = ();
+ sub inc {
+ my ( $self, $file ) = @_;
+ my $package = $file;
+ $package =~ s/\//::/g;
+ $package =~ s/\.pm//;
+ my @src =
+ ( "package $package;\n"
+ , "sub import {\n"
+ , " my ( \$class, \@args ) = \@_;\n"
+ , " \$IkiWiki::FakeSetup::package = \$class;\n"
+ , " \@IkiWiki::FakeSetup::args = \@args;\n"
+ , "}\n"
+ , "1;\n"
+ );
+ return sub { if ( scalar @src ) { $_ = shift @src; return 1; } else { return 0; } };
+ };
+ eval {
+ my @oldINC = @INC;
+ @INC = ( ".", \&inc );
+ my %oldINC = %INC;
+ %INC = ( );
+ do $setupfile;
+ @INC = @oldINC;
+ %INC = %oldINC;
+ };
+ return ( $IkiWiki::FakeSetup::package, @IkiWiki::FakeSetup::args );
+sub writeSetup {
+ my ( $package, @args ) = @_;
+ my $d = Data::Dumper->new( \@args );
+ $d->Terse( 1 );
+ return "#!/usr/bin/perl\n\nuse $package " . $d->Dump( ) . ";\n";
+Because it may not be completely obvious, here's how you would use this:
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use IkiWiki::FakeSetup qw( readSetup writeSetup );
+# This reads the setup file, returning the package it uses and any configuration it passed to that package.
+my ( $package, $config ) = readSetup( "almighty_ikiwiki_template.setup" );
+# Make changes to the configuration.
+$config->{"srcdir"} = "/some/dir";
+$config->{"adminemail"} = "somejerk\";
+# Open a new file, and write the changed configuration to it.
+open( SETUP, ">", "almighty_ikiwiki_template_changed.setup" );
+print SETUP writeSetup( $package, $config );
+close( SETUP );
diff --git a/libpiny/lib/ b/libpiny/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54a5b00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libpiny/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# Copyright © 2010 Julian Blake Kongslie <>
+# Licensed under the BSD 3-clause license.
+# This very pointedly does not have a package line.
+# That way, you can "use Piny" and import all the Piny packages into your namespace in one fell swoop.
+# Of course, you don't get to pass arguments to their import functions anymore.
+use Piny::Config;
+use Piny::Email;
+use Piny::Environment;
+use Piny::Group;
+use Piny::Repo;
+use Piny::User;
+use Piny::User::IkiWiki;
diff --git a/libpiny/lib/Piny/ b/libpiny/lib/Piny/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76405ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libpiny/lib/Piny/
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+# Copyright © 2010 Julian Blake Kongslie <>
+# Licensed under the BSD 3-clause license.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+package Piny::Config;
+use Moose;
+use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
+use MooseX::StrictConstructor;
+use Carp;
+use Config::Simple qw( -lc );
+# Types
+subtype 'GitBool'
+ => as 'Str'
+ => where { $_ =~ /^(1|0|true|false)$/i }
+ => message { 'Not correct format for a git-compatible boolean.' }
+ ;
+subtype 'Path'
+ => as 'Str'
+ => where { $_ =~ /^\// and -e $_ }
+ => message { 'Not an absolute path, or does not exist.' }
+ ;
+subtype 'PathDir'
+ => as 'Path'
+ => where { -d $_ }
+ => message { 'Not an absolute path, or not a directory.' }
+ ;
+subtype 'HttpUrl'
+ => as 'Str'
+ => where { $_ =~ /^http:\/\//i }
+ => message { 'Not a http:// URL.' }
+ ;
+subtype 'HttpsUrl'
+ => as 'Str'
+ => where { $_ =~ /^https:\/\//i }
+ => message { 'Not a https:// URL.' }
+ ;
+# Attributes
+has 'confpath' =>
+ ( is => 'ro'
+ , isa => 'Str'
+ , predicate => 'has_confpath'
+ );
+has '_conf' =>
+ ( is => 'ro'
+ , isa => 'HashRef[Str]'
+ , lazy_build => 1
+ , clearer => 'clear_conf'
+ , init_arg => undef
+ );
+# Builder methods
+# If constructed with just one argument, then treat it as a config path.
+around BUILDARGS => sub {
+ my ( $orig, $class ) = ( shift, shift );
+ if ( @_ == 1 && ! ref $_[0] ) {
+ return $class->$orig( confpath => $_[0] );
+ } else {
+ return $class->$orig( @_ );
+ };
+sub _build__conf {
+ my ( $s ) = @_;
+ my $conf;
+ if ( $s->has_confpath and -e $s->confpath ) {
+ $conf = Config::Simple->new( $s->confpath )->vars;
+ } else {
+ $conf = { };
+ };
+ if ( -e "/etc/piny-default.conf" ) {
+ my $default = Config::Simple->new( "/etc/piny-default.conf" )->vars;
+ foreach my $key ( keys %$default ) {
+ if ( not exists $conf->{$key} ) {
+ $conf->{$key} = $default->{$key};
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ if ( -e "/etc/piny-override.conf" ) {
+ my $override = Config::Simple->new( "/etc/piny-override.conf" )->vars;
+ foreach my $key ( keys %$override ) {
+ $conf->{$key} = $override->{$key};
+ };
+ };
+ return $conf;
+# Save the config
+sub save {
+ my ( $s ) = @_;
+ if ( not $s->has_confpath ) {
+ croak "Can't save a Piny::Config if the confpath is not set!";
+ };
+ if ( -e "/etc/piny-override.conf" ) {
+ my $override = Config::Simple->new( "/etc/piny-override.conf" )->vars;
+ foreach my $key ( keys %$override ) {
+ if ( exists $s->_conf->{$key} and $s->_conf->{$key} eq $override->{$key} ) {
+ delete $s->_conf->{$key};
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ if ( -e "/etc/piny-default.conf" ) {
+ my $default = Config::Simple->new( "/etc/piny-default.conf" )->vars;
+ foreach my $key ( keys %$default ) {
+ if ( exists $s->_conf->{$key} and $s->_conf->{$key} eq $default->{$key} ) {
+ delete $s->_conf->{$key};
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ my $cs = Config::Simple->new( syntax => "ini" );
+ foreach my $key ( keys %{$s->_conf} ) {
+ $cs->param( $key, $s->_conf->{$key} );
+ };
+ $cs->write( $s->confpath );
+# Tweakable helper
+sub tweakable {
+ my ( $attr, $default, $isa ) = @_;
+ $attr = lc $attr;
+ my $attrname = $attr;
+ $attrname =~ s/_/./;
+ if ( $attrname =~ /_/ ) { croak "Illegal attribute name $attrname! (use only one underbar)"; };
+ has $attr =>
+ ( is => 'rw'
+ , isa => $isa
+ , lazy_build => 1
+ , trigger => sub {
+ my ( $s, $new, $old ) = @_;
+ $s->_conf->{$attrname} = $new;
+ if ( $s->has_confpath ) {
+ $s->save;
+ } else {
+ carp "Attribute $attrname modification ignored!";
+ };
+ $s->clear_conf;
+ my $clearer = "clear_$attr";
+ $s->$clearer;
+ }
+ );
+ my $builder = sub {
+ my ( $s ) = @_;
+ if ( exists $s->_conf->{$attrname} ) {
+ return $s->_conf->{$attrname};
+ } else {
+ return $default;
+ };
+ };
+ {
+ no strict "refs";
+ *{"_build_" . $attr} = $builder;
+ };
+# The tweakables
+tweakable "piny_ikiwikidestdir" => "/srv/www/", 'PathDir';
+tweakable "piny_ikiwikisrcdir" => "/srv/ikiwiki/", 'PathDir';
+tweakable "piny_ikiwikiurl" => "", 'HttpUrl';
+tweakable "piny_ikiwikisecureurl" => "", 'HttpsUrl';
+tweakable "piny_ikiwikisecurepath" => "/srv/www/", 'PathDir';
+tweakable "receive_denynonfastforwards" => "true", 'GitBool';
+# Moose boilerplate
diff --git a/libpiny/lib/Piny/ b/libpiny/lib/Piny/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..baa56f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libpiny/lib/Piny/
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+# Copyright © 2010 Julian Blake Kongslie <>
+# Licensed under the BSD 3-clause license.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+package Piny::Email;
+use Moose;
+use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
+use MooseX::StrictConstructor;
+use Email::Valid::Loose;
+# Types
+my $checker = Email::Valid::Loose->new("-fqdn" => 1, "-fudge" => 0, "-local_rules" => 0, "-mxcheck" => 1, "-tldcheck" => 0 );
+subtype 'EmailAddress'
+ => as 'Str'
+ => where { $checker->address( $_ ) }
+ => message { 'That does not appear to be a valid email address.' }
+ ;
+# Attributes
+has 'address' =>
+ ( is => 'ro'
+ , isa => 'EmailAddress'
+ );
+# Builder methods
+# If constructed with just one argument, then treat it as an address.
+around BUILDARGS => sub {
+ my ( $orig, $class ) = ( shift, shift );
+ if ( @_ == 1 && ! ref $_[0] ) {
+ return $class->$orig( address => $_[0] );
+ } else {
+ return $class->$orig( @_ );
+ };
+# Moose boilerplate
diff --git a/libpiny/lib/Piny/ b/libpiny/lib/Piny/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06416b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libpiny/lib/Piny/
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+# Copyright © 2010 Julian Blake Kongslie <>
+# Licensed under the BSD 3-clause license.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+package Piny::Environment;
+use MooseX::Singleton;
+use MooseX::StrictConstructor;
+use Piny::User;
+# Attributes
+has 'user' =>
+ ( is => 'ro'
+ , isa => 'Piny::User'
+ , lazy_build => 1
+ , init_arg => undef
+ );
+# Builder methods
+sub _build_user {
+ my ( $s ) = @_;
+ if ( defined $ENV{"SUDO_UID"} ) {
+ return Piny::User->new( uid => $ENV{"SUDO_UID"} );
+ } elsif ( defined $ENV{"SUDO_USER"} ) {
+ return Piny::User->new( name => $ENV{"SUDO_USER"} );
+ } elsif ( defined $ENV{"UID"} ) {
+ return Piny::User->new( uid => $ENV{"UID"} );
+ } elsif ( defined $ENV{"USER"} ) {
+ return Piny::User->new( name => $ENV{"USER"} );
+ } else {
+ return Piny::User->new( uid => $< );
+ };
+# Moose boilerplate
+__PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable( inline_constructor => 0 );
diff --git a/libpiny/lib/Piny/ b/libpiny/lib/Piny/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86a6d95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libpiny/lib/Piny/
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+# Copyright © 2010 Julian Blake Kongslie <>
+# Licensed under the BSD 3-clause license.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+package Piny::Group;
+use Moose;
+use MooseX::StrictConstructor;
+use Piny::User;
+# Attributes
+has 'gid' =>
+ ( is => 'ro'
+ , isa => 'Int'
+ , lazy_build => 1
+ );
+has 'name' =>
+ ( is => 'ro'
+ , isa => 'Str'
+ , lazy_build => 1
+ );
+has 'grent' =>
+ ( is => 'ro'
+ , isa => 'ArrayRef'
+ , lazy_build => 1
+ , init_arg => undef
+ );
+has 'members' =>
+ ( is => 'ro'
+ , isa => 'ArrayRef[Piny::User]'
+ , lazy_build => 1
+ , init_arg => undef
+ );
+# Public methods
+sub add_member {
+ my ( $s, @users ) = @_;
+ foreach my $user ( @users ) {
+ system( "/usr/sbin/adduser", $user->name( ), $s->name( ) );
+ $user->clear_groups( );
+ };
+ $s->clear_members( );
+sub remove_member {
+ my ( $s, @users ) = @_;
+ foreach my $user ( @users ) {
+ system( "/usr/sbin/deluser", $user->name( ), $s->name( ) );
+ $user->clear_groups( );
+ };
+ $s->clear_members( );
+# Builder methods
+# If constructed with just one argument, then
+# * If that argument is numeric, treat it as a GID.
+# * Otherwise, treat it as a name.
+around BUILDARGS => sub {
+ my ( $orig, $class ) = ( shift, shift );
+ if ( @_ == 1 && ! ref $_[0] ) {
+ if ( $_[0] =~ m/^\d+$/ ) {
+ return $class->$orig( gid => $_[0] );
+ } else {
+ return $class->$orig( name => $_[0] );
+ };
+ } else {
+ return $class->$orig( @_ );
+ };
+sub BUILD {
+ my ( $s ) = @_;
+ if ( not ( $s->has_gid( ) or $s->has_name( ) ) ) {
+ die "You must provide either GID or name!";
+ };
+ if ( $s->has_gid( ) and $s->has_name( ) ) {
+ die "You must not provide both GID and name!";
+ };
+sub _build_gid {
+ my ( $s ) = @_;
+ return $s->grent( )->[2];
+sub _build_name {
+ my ( $s ) = @_;
+ return $s->grent( )->[0];
+sub _build_grent {
+ my ( $s ) = @_;
+ if ( $s->has_gid( ) ) {
+ my @res = getgrgid( $s->gid( ) );
+ die "getgrgid( " . $s->gid( ) . " ) failed: $!" unless @res;
+ return \@res;
+ } elsif ( $s->has_name( ) ) {
+ my @res = getgrnam( $s->name( ) );
+ die "getgrnam( " . $s->name( ) . " ) failed: $!" unless @res;
+ return \@res;
+ } else {
+ die "Not enough information provided to lookup group!";
+ };
+sub _build_members {
+ my ( $s ) = @_;
+ return [ ] if ( $s->grent( )->[3] eq "" );
+ return [ map { Piny::User->new( name => $_ ) } split( /:/, $s->grent( )->[3] ) ];
+# Moose boilerplate
diff --git a/libpiny/lib/Piny/ b/libpiny/lib/Piny/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ebb0f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libpiny/lib/Piny/
@@ -0,0 +1,637 @@
+# Copyright © 2010 Julian Blake Kongslie <>
+# Licensed under the BSD 3-clause license.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+package Piny::Repo;
+use Moose;
+use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
+use MooseX::StrictConstructor;
+use File::Find qw( find );
+use File::Temp qw( );
+use IO::Dir qw( );
+use IkiWiki::FakeSetup qw( readSetup writeSetup );
+use Piny::Config;
+use Piny::Environment;
+use Piny::Group;
+use Piny::User;
+use Piny::User::IkiWiki;
+# Types
+subtype 'Reponame'
+ => as 'Str'
+ => where { $_ =~ /^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_.-]*$/ }
+ => message { 'That name is not in the correct format for a piny repo.' }
+ ;
+subtype 'SimpleText'
+ => as 'Str'
+ => where { $_ =~ /^[\x{0020}-\x{FDCF}\x{FDF0}-\x{FFFD}]{1,80}$/ }
+ => message { 'That description is not in the correct format for a piny repo.' }
+ ;
+# Attributes
+has 'name' =>
+ ( is => 'rw'
+ , isa => 'Reponame'
+ , trigger => \&_rename_repo
+ , required => 1
+ );
+has 'group' =>
+ ( is => 'ro'
+ , isa => 'Piny::Group'
+ , lazy_build => 1
+ , init_arg => undef
+ );
+has 'path' =>
+ ( is => 'ro'
+ , isa => 'Str'
+ , lazy_build => 1
+ , init_arg => undef
+ );
+has 'description' =>
+ ( is => 'rw'
+ , isa => 'SimpleText'
+ , trigger => \&_set_description
+ , lazy_build => 1
+ , init_arg => undef
+ );
+has 'repostat' =>
+ ( is => 'ro'
+ , isa => 'ArrayRef'
+ , lazy_build => 1
+ , init_arg => undef
+ );
+has 'owner' =>
+ ( is => 'rw'
+ , isa => 'Piny::User'
+ , trigger => \&_change_owner
+ , lazy_build => 1
+ , init_arg => undef
+ );
+has 'globally_readable' =>
+ ( is => 'ro'
+ , isa => 'Bool'
+ , lazy_build => 1
+ , init_arg => undef
+ );
+has 'globally_writable' =>
+ ( is => 'ro'
+ , isa => 'Bool'
+ , lazy_build => 1
+ , init_arg => undef
+ );
+has 'ikiwiki_setup' =>
+ ( is => 'ro'
+ , isa => 'Str'
+ , lazy_build => 1
+ , init_arg => undef
+ );
+has 'ikiwiki_destdir' =>
+ ( is => 'ro'
+ , isa => 'Str'
+ , lazy_build => 1
+ , init_arg => undef
+ );
+has 'ikiwiki_srcdir' =>
+ ( is => 'ro'
+ , isa => 'Str'
+ , lazy_build => 1
+ , init_arg => undef
+ );
+has 'ikiwiki_url' =>
+ ( is => 'ro'
+ , isa => 'Str'
+ , lazy_build => 1
+ , init_arg => undef
+ );
+has 'ikiwiki_cgiurl' =>
+ ( is => 'ro'
+ , isa => 'Str'
+ , lazy_build => 1
+ , init_arg => undef
+ );
+has 'ikiwiki_historyurl' =>
+ ( is => 'ro'
+ , isa => 'Str'
+ , lazy_build => 1
+ , init_arg => undef
+ );
+has 'ikiwiki_diffurl' =>
+ ( is => 'ro'
+ , isa => 'Str'
+ , lazy_build => 1
+ , init_arg => undef
+ );
+has 'ikiwiki_cgipath' =>
+ ( is => 'ro'
+ , isa => 'Str'
+ , lazy_build => 1
+ , init_arg => undef
+ );
+has 'secure_path' =>
+ ( is => 'ro'
+ , isa => 'Str'
+ , lazy_build => 1
+ , init_arg => undef
+ );
+has 'apache_config' =>
+ ( is => 'ro'
+ , isa => 'Str'
+ , lazy_build => 1
+ , init_arg => undef
+ );
+has 'config' =>
+ ( is => 'ro'
+ , isa => 'Piny::Config'
+ , lazy_build => 1
+ , init_arg => undef
+ );
+# Public methods
+sub add_access {
+ my ( $s, @users ) = @_;
+ $s->group->add_member( @users );
+sub remove_access {
+ my ( $s, @users ) = @_;
+ $s->group->remove_member( @users );
+sub has_access {
+ my ( $s, $user ) = @_;
+ return $s->owner->uid == $user->uid || $user->has_group( $s->group );
+sub rebuild {
+ my ( $s ) = @_;
+ my $ikiuser = Piny::User::IkiWiki->new( "name" => "ikiwiki-" . $s->name );
+ foreach( "git-daemon-export-ok", "packed-refs" ) {
+ open( TOUCH, ">", $s->path . "/" . $_ ) or die "Could not touch $_ for repo: $!";
+ close( TOUCH );
+ };
+ foreach( "info", "logs" ) {
+ (-e $s->path . "/" . $_) or mkdir( $s->path . "/" . $_ ) or die "Could not mkdir $_ for repo: $!";
+ };
+ chown( 0, 0, $s->path, $s->path . "/config" ) or die "Could not change ownership of git dir!";
+ foreach( "branches", "description", "HEAD", "info", "logs", "objects", "packed-refs", "refs" ) {
+ system( "/bin/chown", "-R", $s->owner->name . "." . $s->group->name, $s->path . "/" . $_ ) and die "Could not change ownership of $_ for repo: $!";
+ };
+ system( "/bin/chown", "-R", $ikiuser->name . "." . $ikiuser->name, $s->path . "/hooks" ) and die "Could not change ownership of git hooks!";
+ open( SETUP, ">", "/etc/ikiwiki/piny/" . $s->name . ".setup" ) or die "Could not open new ikiwiki setup file: $!";
+ print SETUP $s->ikiwiki_setup;
+ close( SETUP ) or die "Could not close new ikiwiki setup file: $!";
+ system( "/bin/chown", "-R", $ikiuser->name . "." . $ikiuser->name, $s->ikiwiki_srcdir, $s->ikiwiki_destdir, $s->secure_path ) and die "Could not change ownership of ikiwiki directories!";
+ open( WIKILIST, ">", "/etc/ikiwiki/wikilist.d/" . $s->name ) or die "Could not create wikilist.d file: $!";
+ print WIKILIST $ikiuser->name . " /etc/ikiwiki/piny/" . $s->name . ".setup\n";
+ close( WIKILIST ) or die "Could not close wikilist.d file: $!";
+ my $temp = File::Temp->new( ) or die "Could not create temporary file: $!";
+ $temp->unlink_on_destroy( 0 );
+ my $dh = IO::Dir->new( "/etc/ikiwiki/wikilist.d" ) or die "Could not open wikilist.d directory: $!";
+ while ( defined ( my $entry = $dh->read ) ) {
+ next if ( $entry =~ /^\./ );
+ open( FILE, "<", "/etc/ikiwiki/wikilist.d/" . $entry ) or die "Could not open wikilist.d entry $entry: $!";
+ print $temp <FILE>;
+ close( FILE ) or die "Could not close wikilist.d entry $entry: $!";
+ };
+ $temp->close or die "Could not close new wikilist: $!";
+ chmod( 00644, $temp->filename ) or die "Could not fix mode of new wikilist: $!";
+ rename( $temp->filename, "/etc/ikiwiki/wikilist" ) or die "Could not rename over old wikilist: $!";
+ $ENV{"GIT_DIR"} = $s->path;
+ system( "/usr/bin/git", "config", "gitweb.owner", $s->owner->email->address ) and die "Could not git config gitweb.owner!";
+ delete $ENV{"GIT_DIR"};
+ system( "/usr/bin/sudo", "-u", $ikiuser->name, "/usr/bin/ikiwiki", "--setup", "/etc/ikiwiki/piny/" . $s->name . ".setup" ) and die "Could not do initial compile of ikiwiki!";
+ open( APACHE, ">", "/etc/apache2/piny-available/" . $s->name ) or die "Could not open new apache config: $!";
+ print APACHE $s->apache_config;
+ close( APACHE ) or die "Could not close new apache config: $!";
+ unlink( "/etc/apache2/piny-enabled/" . $s->name );
+ symlink( "/etc/apache2/piny-available/" . $s->name, "/etc/apache2/piny-enabled/" . $s->name ) or die "Could not symlink apache config: $!";
+ system( "/etc/init.d/apache2", "reload" ) and die "Could not reload apache config!";
+sub destroy {
+ my ( $s ) = @_;
+ my $user = Piny::Environment->instance->user;
+ unlink( "/etc/apache2/piny-enabled/" . $s->name );
+ unlink( "/etc/apache2/piny-available/" . $s->name );
+ system( "/etc/init.d/apache2", "reload" ) and die "Could not reload apache config!";
+ unlink( "/etc/ikiwiki/wikilist.d/" . $s->name );
+ my $temp = File::Temp->new( ) or die "Could not create temporary file: $!";
+ $temp->unlink_on_destroy( 0 );
+ my $dh = IO::Dir->new( "/etc/ikiwiki/wikilist.d" ) or die "Could not open wikilist.d directory: $!";
+ while ( defined ( my $entry = $dh->read ) ) {
+ next if ( $entry =~ /^\./ );
+ open( FILE, "<", "/etc/ikiwiki/wikilist.d/" . $entry ) or die "Could not open wikilist.d entry $entry: $!";
+ print $temp <FILE>;
+ close( FILE ) or die "Could not close wikilist.d entry $entry: $!";
+ };
+ $temp->close or die "Could not close new wikilist: $!";
+ chmod( 00644, $temp->filename ) or die "Could not fix mode of new wikilist: $!";
+ rename( $temp->filename, "/etc/ikiwiki/wikilist" ) or die "Could not rename over old wikilist: $!";
+ system( "rm", "-rf", $s->secure_path, $s->ikiwiki_destdir, $s->ikiwiki_srcdir, "/etc/ikiwiki/piny/" . $s->name . ".setup", $s->path );
+ my $ikiuser = Piny::User::IkiWiki->new( "name" => "ikiwiki-" . $s->name );
+ system( "deluser", "--remove-home", $ikiuser->name );
+ system( "delgroup", $ikiuser->name );
+ system( "delgroup", "git-" . $s->name );
+# Triggers
+sub _rename_repo {
+ my ( $s, $new_name, $old_name ) = @_;
+ return unless defined $old_name;
+ my $olddir = "/srv/git/$old_name.git";
+ my $newdir = "/srv/git/$new_name.git";
+ rename( $olddir, $newdir ) or die "Couldn't rename $olddir to $newdir: $!";
+ warn "XXX Not renaming all the ikiwiki stuff!";
+ $s->clear_path;
+ $s->clear_ikiwiki_setup;
+ $s->clear_ikiwiki_destdir;
+ $s->clear_ikiwiki_srcdir;
+ $s->clear_ikiwiki_url;
+ $s->clear_ikiwiki_cgiurl;
+ $s->clear_ikiwiki_historyurl;
+ $s->clear_ikiwiki_cgipath;
+ $s->clear_secure_path;
+ $s->clear_apache_config;
+sub _set_description {
+ my ( $s, $new_description, $old_description ) = @_;
+ return unless defined $old_description;
+ open( my $fd, ">", $s->path . "/description" ) or die "Unable to open " . $s->path . "/description for writing: $!";
+ print $fd $new_description;
+ close( $fd ) or die "Error when closing " . $s->path . "/description: $!";
+sub _change_owner {
+ my ( $s, $new_owner, $old_owner ) = @_;
+ return unless defined $old_owner;
+ find( { wanted => sub { chown( $new_owner->uid, -1, $_ ) or die "Couldn't chown $_: $!"; }, no_chdir => 1 }, $s->path . "/objects" );
+ $s->clear_ikiwiki_setup;
+# Class methods
+sub all_repos {
+ my ( $class, $dir ) = @_;
+ $dir = "/srv/git" unless defined $dir;
+ my @ret;
+ find( { wanted => sub { if ( /^[^.].*\.git$/ ) { $File::Find::prune = 1; push( @ret, $File::Find::name ); }; } }, $dir );
+ @ret = map { s/^\Q$dir\E\/?//; s/\.git$//; $class->new( name => $_ ); } @ret;
+ return @ret;
+sub create {
+ my ( $class, $name, $description ) = @_;
+ my $user = Piny::Environment->instance->user;
+ find_type_constraint( "Reponame" )->assert_valid( $name );
+ find_type_constraint( "SimpleText" )->assert_valid( $description );
+ my $repo = $class->new( "name" => $name );
+ mkdir( $repo->path ) or die "The repo $name appears to already exist! ($!)";
+ system( "/usr/sbin/adduser", "--quiet", "--system", "--group", "--gecos", $name, "ikiwiki-$name" ) and die "Could not create ikiwiki user!";
+ my $ikiuser = Piny::User::IkiWiki->new( "name" => "ikiwiki-$name" );
+ system( "/usr/sbin/addgroup", "--quiet", "git-$name" ) and die "Could not create repo group!";
+ my $group = Piny::Group->new( "name" => "git-$name" );
+ system( "/usr/sbin/adduser", "--quiet", $user->name, $group->name ) and die "Could not add you to the repo group!";
+ system( "/usr/sbin/adduser", "--quiet", $ikiuser->name, $group->name ) and die "Could not add ikiwiki user to the repo group!";
+ $ENV{"GIT_DIR"} = $repo->path;
+ system( "/usr/bin/git", "init", "--template=/srv/git-template.git", "--quiet", "--shared" ) and die "Could not initialize git repo!";
+ foreach( "git-daemon-export-ok", "packed-refs" ) {
+ open( TOUCH, ">", $repo->path . "/" . $_ ) or die "Could not touch $_ for repo: $!";
+ close( TOUCH );
+ };
+ foreach( "info", "logs" ) {
+ ( -e $repo->path . "/" . $_ ) or mkdir( $repo->path . "/" . $_ ) or die "Could not mkdir $_ for repo: $!";
+ };
+ foreach( "branches", "description", "HEAD", "info", "logs", "objects", "packed-refs", "refs" ) {
+ system( "/bin/chown", "-R", $user->name . "." . $group->name, $repo->path . "/" . $_ ) and die "Could not change ownership of $_ for repo: $!";
+ };
+ chown( 0, 0, $repo->path, $repo->path . "/config" ) or die "Could not change ownership of git dir!";
+ system( "/bin/chown", "-R", $ikiuser->name . "." . $ikiuser->name, $repo->path . "/hooks" ) and die "Could not change ownership of git hooks!";
+ system( "/usr/bin/git", "config", "gitweb.owner", $repo->owner->email->address ) and die "Could not git config gitweb.owner!";
+ delete $ENV{"GIT_DIR"};
+ $repo->description( $description );
+ open( SETUP, ">", "/etc/ikiwiki/piny/" . $repo->name . ".setup" ) or die "Could not open new ikiwiki setup file: $!";
+ print SETUP $repo->ikiwiki_setup;
+ close( SETUP ) or die "Could not close new ikiwiki setup file: $!";
+ system( "/usr/bin/git", "clone", "--quiet", $repo->path, $repo->ikiwiki_srcdir ) and die "Could not clone repo to ikiwiki srcdir!";
+ mkdir( $repo->ikiwiki_destdir ) or die "Could not create ikiwiki destdir: $!";
+ mkdir( $repo->secure_path ) or die "Could not create secure dir: $!";
+ system( "/bin/chown", "-R", $ikiuser->name . "." . $ikiuser->name, $repo->ikiwiki_srcdir, $repo->ikiwiki_destdir, $repo->secure_path ) and die "Could not change ownership of ikiwiki directories!";
+ open( WIKILIST, ">", "/etc/ikiwiki/wikilist.d/" . $repo->name ) or die "Could not create wikilist.d file: $!";
+ print WIKILIST $ikiuser->name . " /etc/ikiwiki/piny/" . $repo->name . ".setup\n";
+ close( WIKILIST ) or die "Could not close wikilist.d file: $!";
+ my $temp = File::Temp->new( ) or die "Could not create temporary file: $!";
+ $temp->unlink_on_destroy( 0 );
+ my $dh = IO::Dir->new( "/etc/ikiwiki/wikilist.d" ) or die "Could not open wikilist.d directory: $!";
+ while ( defined ( my $entry = $dh->read ) ) {
+ next if ( $entry =~ /^\./ );
+ open( FILE, "<", "/etc/ikiwiki/wikilist.d/" . $entry ) or die "Could not open wikilist.d entry $entry: $!";
+ print $temp <FILE>;
+ close( FILE ) or die "Could not close wikilist.d entry $entry: $!";
+ };
+ $temp->close or die "Could not close new wikilist: $!";
+ chmod( 00644, $temp->filename ) or die "Could not fix mode of new wikilist: $!";
+ rename( $temp->filename, "/etc/ikiwiki/wikilist" ) or die "Could not rename over old wikilist: $!";
+ system( "/usr/bin/sudo", "-u", $ikiuser->name, "/usr/bin/ikiwiki", "--setup", "/etc/ikiwiki/piny/" . $repo->name . ".setup" ) and die "Could not do initial compile of ikiwiki!";
+ open( APACHE, ">", "/etc/apache2/piny-available/" . $repo->name ) or die "Could not open new apache config: $!";
+ print APACHE $repo->apache_config;
+ close( APACHE ) or die "Could not close new apache config: $!";
+ symlink( "/etc/apache2/piny-available/" . $repo->name, "/etc/apache2/piny-enabled/" . $repo->name ) or die "Could not symlink apache config: $!";
+ system( "/etc/init.d/apache2", "reload" ) and die "Could not reload apache config!";
+ return $repo;
+# Builder methods
+# If constructed with just one argument, then treat it as a repo name.
+around BUILDARGS => sub {
+ my ( $orig, $class ) = ( shift, shift );
+ if ( @_ == 1 && ! ref $_[0] ) {
+ return $class->$orig( name => $_[0] );
+ } else {
+ return $class->$orig( @_ );
+ };
+sub _build_group {
+ my ( $s ) = @_;
+ return Piny::Group->new( name => "git-" . $s->name );
+sub _build_path {
+ my ( $s ) = @_;
+ return "/srv/git/" . $s->name . ".git";
+sub _build_description {
+ my ( $s ) = @_;
+ open( my $d, "<", $s->path . "/description" ) or die "Unable to open " . $s->path . "/description: $!";
+ my $desc;
+ {
+ local $/ = undef;
+ $desc = <$d>;
+ };
+ close( $d );
+ return $desc;
+sub _build_repostat {
+ my ( $s ) = @_;
+ my @res = stat( $s->path . "/objects" );
+ die "stat( " . $s->path . "/objects ) failed: $!" unless @res;
+ return \@res;
+sub _build_owner {
+ my ( $s ) = @_;
+ my ( $uid ) = $s->repostat->[4];
+ return Piny::User->new( uid => $uid );
+sub _build_globally_readable {
+ my ( $s ) = @_;
+ return ( $s->repostat->[2] & 0444 ) == 0444;
+sub _build_globally_writable {
+ my ( $s ) = @_;
+ return ( $s->repostat->[2] & 0111 ) == 0111;
+sub _build_ikiwiki_setup {
+ my ( $s ) = @_;
+ my ( $package, $config ) = readSetup( "/usr/share/libpiny/ikiwiki.setup" );
+ $config->{"wikiname"} = $s->name;
+ $config->{"adminemail"} = $s->owner->email->address;
+ $config->{"srcdir"} = $s->ikiwiki_srcdir;
+ $config->{"destdir"} = $s->ikiwiki_destdir;
+ $config->{"url"} = $s->ikiwiki_url;
+ $config->{"cgiurl"} = $s->ikiwiki_cgiurl;
+ $config->{"historyurl"} = $s->ikiwiki_historyurl;
+ $config->{"diffurl"} = $s->ikiwiki_diffurl;
+ $config->{"wrappers"} =
+ [ { "wrapper" => $s->ikiwiki_cgipath
+ , "wrappergroup" => $s->group->name
+ , "wrappermode" => "06755"
+ , "cgi" => 1
+ }
+ , { "wrapper" => $s->path . "/hooks/post-update"
+ , "wrappergroup" => $s->group->name
+ , "wrappermode" => "06755"
+ , "notify" => 0
+ }
+ ];
+ if ( -e "/etc/ikiwiki/piny/" . $s->name . "" ) {
+ undef $@;
+ eval {
+ package TEMP;
+ use Piny;
+ $TEMP::repo = $s;
+ $TEMP::conf = $config;
+ no strict 'vars';
+ do "/etc/ikiwiki/piny/" . $s->name . "";
+ };
+ if ( not $@ ) { $config = $TEMP::conf; };
+ };
+ return writeSetup( $package, $config );
+sub _build_ikiwiki_destdir {
+ my ( $s ) = @_;
+ return $s->config->piny_ikiwikidestdir . $s->name;
+sub _build_ikiwiki_srcdir {
+ my ( $s ) = @_;
+ return $s->config->piny_ikiwikisrcdir . $s->name;
+sub _build_ikiwiki_url {
+ my ( $s ) = @_;
+ return $s->config->piny_ikiwikiurl . $s->name;
+sub _build_ikiwiki_cgiurl {
+ my ( $s ) = @_;
+ return $s->config->piny_ikiwikisecureurl . "repos/" . $s->name . "/ikiwiki.cgi";
+sub _build_secure_path {
+ my ( $s ) = @_;
+ return $s->config->piny_ikiwikisecurepath . "repos/" . $s->name;
+sub _build_ikiwiki_cgipath {
+ my ( $s ) = @_;
+ return $s->secure_path . "/ikiwiki.cgi";
+sub _build_ikiwiki_historyurl {
+ my ( $s ) = @_;
+ if ( defined $s->config->{"https_url"} ) {
+ return $s->config->{"https_url"} . "cgit/" . $s->name . "/log/[[file]]";
+ } else {
+ return $s->config->piny_ikiwikisecureurl . "cgit/" . $s->name . "/log/[[file]]";
+ };
+sub _build_ikiwiki_diffurl {
+ my ( $s ) = @_;
+ if ( defined $s->config->{"https_url"} ) {
+ return $s->config->{"https_url"} . "cgit/" . $s->name . "/diff/?id=[[sha1_commit]]";
+ } else {
+ return $s->config->piny_ikiwikisecureurl . "cgit/" . $s->name . "/diff/?id=[[sha1_commit]]";
+ };
+sub _build_apache_config {
+ my ( $s ) = @_;
+ return "<Directory " . $s->secure_path . ">\n AuthPAM_Enabled on\n AuthGROUP_Enabled on\n AuthPAM_FallThrough off\n AuthBasicAuthoritative off\n AuthType Basic\n AuthName \"User access to " . $s->name . " repository needed.\"\n Require group " . $s->group->name . "\n</Directory>\n";
+sub _build_config {
+ my ( $s ) = @_;
+ return Piny::Config->new( confpath => $s->path . "/config" );
+# Moose boilerplate
diff --git a/libpiny/lib/Piny/ b/libpiny/lib/Piny/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20ef4f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libpiny/lib/Piny/
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+# Copyright © 2010 Julian Blake Kongslie <>
+# Licensed under the BSD 3-clause license.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+package Piny::User;
+use Moose;
+use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
+use MooseX::StrictConstructor;
+use Piny::Email;
+use Piny::Group;
+# Types
+subtype 'Username'
+ => as 'Str'
+ => where { $_ =~ /^(?!(git|ikiwiki)-)[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_.-]*$/ }
+ => message { 'That username is not in the correct format for a piny user.' }
+ ;
+# Attributes
+has 'uid' =>
+ ( is => 'ro'
+ , isa => 'Int'
+ , lazy_build => 1
+ );
+has 'name' =>
+ ( is => 'ro'
+ , isa => 'Username'
+ , lazy_build => 1
+ );
+has 'pwent' =>
+ ( is => 'ro'
+ , isa => 'ArrayRef'
+ , lazy_build => 1
+ , init_arg => undef
+ );
+has 'password_hash' =>
+ ( is => 'ro'
+ , isa => 'Str'
+ , lazy_build => 1
+ , init_arg => undef
+ );
+has 'email' =>
+ ( is => 'ro'
+ , isa => 'Piny::Email'
+ , lazy_build => 1
+ , init_arg => undef
+ );
+has 'groups' =>
+ ( is => 'ro'
+ , isa => 'ArrayRef[Piny::Group]'
+ , lazy_build => 1
+ , init_arg => undef
+ );
+# Public methods
+sub add_group {
+ my ( $s, @groups ) = @_;
+ foreach my $group ( @groups ) {
+ $group->add_member( $s );
+ };
+sub remove_group {
+ my ( $s, @groups ) = @_;
+ foreach my $group ( @groups ) {
+ $group->remove_member( $s );
+ };
+sub has_group {
+ my ( $s, $group ) = @_;
+ foreach my $owngroup ( @{$s->groups( )} ) {
+ return 1 if $owngroup->gid( ) == $group->gid( );
+ };
+ return;
+# Class methods
+sub all_users {
+ my ( $class ) = @_;
+ my @ret;
+ endpwent( );
+ while ( my @info = getpwent( ) ) {
+ eval {
+ my $user = $class->new( uid => $info[2] );
+ # Some forced early evaluation, so error checking happens now.
+ $user->name( );
+ $user->email( );
+ push( @ret, $user );
+ };
+ };
+ endpwent( );
+ return @ret;
+# Builder methods
+# If constructed with just one argument, then
+# * If that argument is numeric, treat it as a UID.
+# * Otherwise, treat it as a username.
+around BUILDARGS => sub {
+ my ( $orig, $class ) = ( shift, shift );
+ if ( @_ == 1 && ! ref $_[0] ) {
+ if ( $_[0] =~ m/^\d+$/ ) {
+ return $class->$orig( uid => $_[0] );
+ } else {
+ return $class->$orig( name => $_[0] );
+ };
+ } else {
+ return $class->$orig( @_ );
+ };
+sub BUILD {
+ my ( $s ) = @_;
+ if ( not ( $s->has_uid( ) or $s->has_name( ) ) ) {
+ die "You must provide either UID or name!";
+ };
+ if ( $s->has_uid( ) and $s->has_name( ) ) {
+ die "You must not provide both UID and name!";
+ };
+sub _build_uid {
+ my ( $s ) = @_;
+ return $s->pwent( )->[2];
+sub _build_name {
+ my ( $s ) = @_;
+ return $s->pwent( )->[0];
+sub _build_pwent {
+ my ( $s ) = @_;
+ if ( $s->has_uid( ) ) {
+ my @res = getpwuid( $s->uid( ) );
+ die "getpwuid( " . $s->uid( ) . " ) failed: $!" unless @res;
+ return \@res;
+ } elsif ( $s->has_name( ) ) {
+ my @res = getpwnam( $s->name( ) );
+ die "getpwnam( " . $s->name( ) . " ) failed: $!" unless @res;
+ return \@res;
+ } else {
+ die "Not enough information provided to lookup user!";
+ };
+sub _build_password_hash {
+ my ( $s ) = @_;
+ return $s->pwent( )->[1];
+sub _build_email {
+ my ( $s ) = @_;
+ return Piny::Email->new( address => $s->pwent( )->[6] );
+sub _build_groups {
+ my ( $s ) = @_;
+ my @res;
+ my @ent;
+ endgrent( );
+ while ( @ent = getgrent( ) ) {
+ next if ( $ent[3] eq "" );
+ foreach my $member ( split( / /, $ent[3] ) ) {
+ if ( $member eq $s->name( ) ) {
+ push @res, Piny::Group->new( gid => $ent[2] );
+ last;
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ endgrent( );
+ return \@res;
+# Moose boilerplate
diff --git a/libpiny/lib/Piny/User/ b/libpiny/lib/Piny/User/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8585e90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libpiny/lib/Piny/User/
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# Copyright © 2010 Julian Blake Kongslie <>
+# Licensed under the BSD 3-clause license.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+package Piny::User::IkiWiki;
+use Moose;
+use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
+use MooseX::StrictConstructor;
+use Piny::User;
+extends "Piny::User";
+# Types
+subtype 'IkiWikiUsername'
+ => as 'Str'
+ => where { $_ =~ /^ikiwiki-[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_.-]*$/ }
+ => message { 'That username is not in the correct format for an ikiwiki user.' }
+ ;
+# Attributes
+has 'name' =>
+ ( is => 'ro'
+ , isa => 'IkiWikiUsername'
+ , lazy_build => 1
+ );
+# Moose boilerplate
diff --git a/libpiny/share/ikiwiki.setup b/libpiny/share/ikiwiki.setup
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18f8418
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libpiny/share/ikiwiki.setup
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+# Configuration file for ikiwiki.
+# Passing this to ikiwiki --setup will make ikiwiki generate wrappers and
+# build the wiki.
+# Remember to re-run ikiwiki --setup any time you edit this file.
+use IkiWiki::Setup::Standard {
+ # srcdir => "', # LATER MODIFIED BY PINY
+ # destdir => "', # LATER MODIFIED BY PINY
+ # url => "', # LATER MODIFIED BY PINY
+ # cgiurl => "', # LATER MODIFIED BY PINY
+ # historyurl => "', # LATER MODIFIED BY PINY
+ # diffurl => "', # LATER MODIFIED BY PINY
+ templatedir => "/srv/templates", # TODO: user-customizable templates
+ underlaydir => "/usr/share/ikiwiki/basewiki",
+ rcs => "git",
+ gitorigin_branch => "origin",
+ gitmaster_branch => "master",
+ # wrappers => [ ], controlled by piny
+ # Generate rss feeds for blogs?
+ rss => 1,
+ # Generate atom feeds for blogs?
+ atom => 0,
+ # Include discussion links on all pages?
+ discussion => 0,
+ # To exclude files matching a regexp from processing. This adds to
+ # the default exclude list.
+ #exclude => qr/*\.wav/,
+ # To change the extension used for generated html files.
+ #htmlext => "htm",
+ # Time format (for strftime)
+ #timeformat => "%c",
+ # Locale to use. Must be a UTF-8 locale.
+ #locale => "en_US.UTF-8",
+ # Only send cookies over SSL connections.
+ sslcookie => 1,
+ # Logging settings:
+ verbose => 0,
+ syslog => 1,
+ # To link to user pages in a subdirectory of the wiki.
+ #userdir => "users",
+ # To create output files named page.html rather than page/index.html.
+ usedirs => 1,
+ # Simple spam prevention: require an account-creation password.
+ #account_creation_password => "example",
+ # Use new "!"-prefixed preprocessor directive syntax
+ prefix_directives => 1,
+ httpauth => 1,
+ # To add plugins, list them here.
+ add_plugins => [qw{sidebar toc meta table tag graphviz httpauth img attachment rename remove map teximg version edittemplate}],
+ disable_plugins => [qw{openid passwordauth}],
+ teximg_prefix => "\\documentclass{scrartcl}
+ teximg_dvipng => 1,
+ # For use with the tag plugin, make all tags be located under a
+ # base page.
+ tagbase => "tag",
+ # For use with the search plugin if your estseek.cgi is located
+ # somewhere else.
+ #estseek => "/usr/lib/estraier/estseek.cgi",
diff --git a/libpiny/test b/libpiny/test
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fc1eb55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libpiny/test
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Devel::REPL;
+use lib "lib";
+use Piny;