path: root/usr/src/libpiny/Piny/
diff options
authorJulian Blake Kongslie <>2010-03-17 22:47:35 -0700
committerJulian Blake Kongslie <>2010-03-17 22:47:35 -0700
commit654a7353e1c46878dd84bfef0e987f0205e03fde (patch)
tree1d50d4ae0fad99f874fc85673907c9beb8d133fb /usr/src/libpiny/Piny/
parent225cfa610fc07cb143f5a86c06f87829f9e240d2 (diff)
Initial version of the libpiny stuff.
Diffstat (limited to 'usr/src/libpiny/Piny/')
1 files changed, 155 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/usr/src/libpiny/Piny/ b/usr/src/libpiny/Piny/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51034dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usr/src/libpiny/Piny/
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+package Piny::Repo;
+use Moose;
+use Piny::User;
+# Attributes
+has 'name' =>
+ ( is => 'rw'
+ , isa => 'Str'
+ , trigger => \&_rename_repo
+ , required => 1
+ );
+has 'path' =>
+ ( is => 'ro'
+ , isa => 'Str'
+ , lazy_build => 1
+ , init_arg => undef
+ );
+has 'description' =>
+ ( is => 'rw'
+ , isa => 'Str'
+ , trigger => \&_set_description
+ , lazy_build => 1
+ , init_arg => undef
+ );
+has 'repostat' =>
+ ( is => 'ro'
+ , isa => 'ArrayRef'
+ , lazy_build => 1
+ , init_arg => undef
+ );
+has 'owner' =>
+ ( is => 'ro'
+ , isa => 'Piny::User'
+ , lazy_build => 1
+ , init_arg => undef
+ );
+has 'globally_readable' =>
+ ( is => 'ro'
+ , isa => 'Bool'
+ , lazy_build => 1
+ , init_arg => undef
+ );
+has 'globally_writable' =>
+ ( is => 'ro'
+ , isa => 'Bool'
+ , lazy_build => 1
+ , init_arg => undef
+ );
+# Triggers
+sub _rename_repo {
+ my ( $s, $new_name, $old_name ) = @_;
+ return unless defined $old_name;
+ my $olddir = "/srv/git/$old_name.git";
+ my $newdir = "/srv/git/$new_name.git";
+ rename( $olddir, $newdir ) or die "Couldn't rename $olddir to $newdir: $!\n";
+ $s->clear_path( );
+sub _set_description {
+ my ( $s, $new_description, $old_description ) = @_;
+ return unless defined $old_description;
+ open( my $fd, ">", $s->path( ) . "/description" ) or die "Unable to open " . $s->path( ) . "/description for writing: $!\n";
+ print $fd $new_description;
+ close( $fd ) or die "Error when closing " . $s->path( ) . "/description: $!\n";
+# Builder methods
+# If constructed with just one argument, then treat it as a repo name.
+around BUILDARGS => sub {
+ my ( $orig, $class ) = ( shift, shift );
+ if ( @_ == 1 && ! ref $_[0] ) {
+ return $class->$orig( name => $_[0] );
+ } else {
+ return $class->$orig( @_ );
+ };
+sub _build_path {
+ my ( $s ) = @_;
+ my $dir = "/srv/git/" . $s->name( ) . ".git";
+ if ( -d $dir ) {
+ return $dir;
+ } else {
+ die "Expected repo $dir does not exist!\n";
+ };
+sub _build_description {
+ my ( $s ) = @_;
+ open( my $d, "<", $s->path( ) . "/description" ) or die "Unable to open " . $s->path( ) . "/description: $!\n";
+ my $desc;
+ {
+ local $/ = undef;
+ $desc = <$d>;
+ };
+ close( $d );
+ return $desc;
+sub _build_repostat {
+ my ( $s ) = @_;
+ my @res = stat( $s->path( ) );
+ die "stat( " . $s->path( ) . " ) failed: $!\n" unless @res;
+ return \@res;
+sub _build_owner {
+ my ( $s ) = @_;
+ my ( $uid ) = $s->repostat( )->[4];
+ return Piny::User->new( uid => $uid );
+sub _build_globally_readable {
+ my ( $s ) = @_;
+ return ( $s->repostat( )->[2] & 0444 ) == 0444;
+sub _build_globally_writable {
+ my ( $s ) = @_;
+ return ( $s->repostat( )->[2] & 0111 ) == 0111;
+# Moose boilerplate