path: root/crystal/
diff options
authorJoe Rayhawk <>2024-02-07 06:54:53 -0800
committerJoe Rayhawk <>2024-02-07 06:58:47 -0800
commit298ad7ed4a6f8171e9845afa0dd842aa6ad436a2 (patch)
tree94b81e7f5ce490c5236b9ac02f409441470daa69 /crystal/
parentb0a607fc32d12a8195743d402d1bd69664526b3c (diff)
downloadtwitchtools-298ad7ed4a6f8171e9845afa0dd842aa6ad436a2.tar.gz add support
Signed-off-by: Joe Rayhawk <>
Diffstat (limited to 'crystal/')
1 files changed, 298 insertions, 103 deletions
diff --git a/crystal/ b/crystal/
index 67e036c..989233e 100644
--- a/crystal/
+++ b/crystal/
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
require "socket"
require "openssl"
+require "gamesurge/irc"
require "twitch/irc"
require "http"
require "uri"
@@ -131,6 +132,8 @@ unless secrets.yaml_unmapped.empty?
ppe secrets.yaml_unmapped.keys
+Dir.mkdir_p( config.tempdir )
def obsrandommediaenable( obs : OBS::WebSocket, siname : String )
if ( Random.rand(3) < 2 )
@@ -242,6 +245,7 @@ commandircipc = Channel( Tuple( String, FastIRC::Message ) ).new
commandipc = Channel( String ).new
# t2sipc: voice, text
t2sipc = Channel( Tuple( String, String ) ).new
+gamesurgeircipc = Channel( Tuple( String, String ) ).new
twitchircipc = Channel( Tuple( String, String ) ).new
twitchapiipc = Channel( Tuple( String, String | UInt64 ) ).new
bbscliipc = Channel( String ).new
@@ -354,12 +358,12 @@ def urbandef( term : String )
return json["list"][0]["definition"].to_s.gsub( /[\[\]]/, "" ).gsub( /(\r|\n)/, " " )
-def getvoice( configdir : String, userdir : String, chatuser : String )
+def getvoice( voicelist : String, userdir : String, chatuser : String )
if File.exists?( userdir + "/voice" )
voice_output = userdir + "/voice" ).chomp
voice_setting = voice_output
- voice_output = configdir + "/voicelist.txt" ).chomp.split( "\n" ).sample( 1 )[0].chomp
+ voice_output = voicelist ).chomp.split( "\n" ).sample( 1 )[0].chomp
voice_setting = "random"
if File.exists?( userdir + "/voicesub" )
@@ -443,54 +447,86 @@ def playaudiodata( tempdir, data : Bytes )
def playaudiofile( filepath : String )
- p =
- "powershell.exe",
- [ "-Command", "#Set-PSDebug -Trace 1;
- Add-Type -AssemblyName presentationCore;
- $player = New-Object;
- $\"#{filepath}\");
- $player.volume = .99;
- $;
- Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 1000;
- $duration = $player.NaturalDuration.TimeSpan.TotalMilliseconds;
- Start-Sleep -Milliseconds ($duration - 1000 );
- "],
- output: STDOUT, error: STDERR
- )
- # has some ideas
- p.wait
+ {% if flag?(:windows) %}
+ p =
+ "powershell.exe",
+ [ "-Command", "#Set-PSDebug -Trace 1;
+ Add-Type -AssemblyName presentationCore;
+ $player = New-Object;
+ $\"#{filepath}\");
+ $player.volume = .99;
+ $;
+ Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 1000;
+ $duration = $player.NaturalDuration.TimeSpan.TotalMilliseconds;
+ Start-Sleep -Milliseconds ($duration - 1000 );
+ "],
+ output: STDOUT, error: STDERR
+ )
+ # has some ideas
+ p.wait
+ {% else %}
+ p =
+ "ompv", # FIXME: switch this over to xdg-open at some point?
+ [ "#{filepath}" ],
+ output: STDOUT, error: STDERR
+ )
+ p.wait
+ {% end %}
-def userlog( config : BungmoBott::Config, message : FastIRC::Message ) : Tuple( String, UInt64, String, Int32 | Int64, String | Nil ) | Nil
- unless ( ( prefix = message.prefix ) && ( chatuser = prefix.source ) && ( uid = message.tags["user-id"]? ) )
+ # user, uid, userdir,lastseen, oldname
+def userlog( config : BungmoBott::Config, service : String, message : FastIRC::Message ) : Tuple( String, UInt64 | Nil, String, Int32 | Int64, String | Nil ) | Nil
+ unless ( ( prefix = message.prefix ) && ( chatuser = prefix.source ) )
return nil
- basedir = config.statedir
- userdir = basedir + "/uids/" + uid
- if userdir )
- lastseen = userdir ).modification_time.to_unix
- else
- lastseen = 0
- end
- Dir.mkdir_p( basedir + "/names" )
- Dir.mkdir_p( userdir + "/names" )
- File.touch( userdir )
- unless testrefuser2uid( userdir + "/names/" + chatuser )
- oldname = nil
- datelatest = Time::UNIX_EPOCH
- Dir.each_child( userdir + "/names/" ) do |name|
- namedate = userdir + "/names/" + name ).modification_time
- if namedate > datelatest
- oldname = name
- datelatest = namedate
+ if service == "twitch"
+ if ( uid = message.tags["user-id"]? )
+ basedir = config.statedir + "/" + service
+ userdir = basedir + "/uids/" + uid
+ if userdir )
+ lastseen = userdir ).modification_time.to_unix
+ else
+ lastseen = 0
+ end
+ Dir.mkdir_p( basedir + "/names" )
+ Dir.mkdir_p( userdir + "/names" )
+ File.touch( userdir )
+ unless testrefuser2uid( userdir + "/names/" + chatuser )
+ oldname = nil
+ datelatest = Time::UNIX_EPOCH
+ Dir.each_child( userdir + "/names/" ) do |name|
+ namedate = userdir + "/names/" + name ).modification_time
+ if namedate > datelatest
+ oldname = name
+ datelatest = namedate
+ end
+ end
+ genrefuser2uid( userdir + "/names/" + chatuser, uid, 3 )
+ unless testrefuser2uid( basedir + "/names/" + chatuser )
+ genrefuser2uid( basedir + "/names/" + chatuser, uid, 1 )
+ end
+ uid = uid.to_u64
+ else # No uid?
+ STDERR.puts( "WARNING: userlog unexpectedly found message.prefix.source with no UID tag." )
+ return( nil )
- genrefuser2uid( userdir + "/names/" + chatuser, uid, 3 )
- end
- unless testrefuser2uid( basedir + "/names/" + chatuser )
- genrefuser2uid( basedir + "/names/" + chatuser, uid, 1 )
+ elsif( service == "gamesurge" )
+ basedir = config.statedir + "/" + service
+ userdir = basedir + "/names/" + chatuser
+ if userdir )
+ lastseen = userdir ).modification_time.to_unix
+ File.touch( userdir )
+ else
+ Dir.mkdir_p( userdir )
+ lastseen = 0
+ end
+ oldname = nil
+ else
+ STDERR.puts( "WARNING: invalid service used with userlog()" )
+ return( nil )
- return ( { chatuser, uid.to_u64, userdir, lastseen, oldname } )
+ return ( { chatuser, uid, userdir, lastseen, oldname } )
rescue ex
puts ex
@@ -560,11 +596,11 @@ def t2s( t2sipc : Channel, config : BungmoBott::Config, userdir : String, chatus
}.each do | subtuple |
text = text.gsub( subtuple[0], subtuple[1] )
- {% if flag?(:windows) %}
+ #{% if flag?(:windows) %}
t2sipc.send( { voice, "#{namesub} #{text}" } )
- {% else %}
- t2smsg( config, "#{voice} #{namesub} #{text}" )
- {% end %}
+ #{% else %}
+ # t2smsg( config, "#{voice} #{namesub} #{text}" )
+ #{% end %}
return( voice )
return( nil )
@@ -581,6 +617,7 @@ spawn name: "command_dispatch" do
if local_commandmsg.is_a?( Tuple( String, FastIRC::Message ) ) && local_commandmsg[0].is_a?( String )
service = local_commandmsg[0]
message : FastIRC::Message = local_commandmsg[1]
+ pp message
ircchannel = message.params[0]
unless service.empty?
if config.bungmobott_listen && ! ircchannel.empty?
@@ -589,44 +626,51 @@ spawn name: "command_dispatch" do
if channelsubs[ { service, ircchannel } ]?
channelsubs[ { service, ircchannel } ].each do |channelsub|
if channelsub.is_a? OpenSSL::SSL::Socket::Server
- channelsub.puts( "msg twitch #{message.to_s}" )
- # don't think this is ever useful
- #else # client.is_a? Channel( Tuple( String, FastIRC::Message ) )
- # client.send( { "twitch", message } )
+ channelsub.puts( "msg #{service} #{message.to_s}" )
- next unless ( userlogreturn = userlog( config, message ) )
+ next unless ( userlogreturn = userlog( config, service, message ) )
chatuser, uid, userdir, lastseen, oldname = userlogreturn
# Have we seen this user lately?
if ( ( Time.utc.to_unix - lastseen ) >= 14400 )
- twitchapiipc.send( { "get_user", uid.to_s } )
- twitchapiipc.send( { "get_followers", uid.to_s } )
- prevnames = Array( String ).new
- if ( prevnames = Dir.children( config.statedir + "/uids/#{uid}/names" ) ) && ( prevnames.size > 1 )
- prevnames.delete( chatuser )
- puts "\033[38;5;14m#{chatuser} previous names: #{prevnames.join(", ")}\033[0m"
+ if service == "twitch" && uid.is_a?( UInt64 )
+ twitchapiipc.send( { "get_user", uid.to_s } )
+ twitchapiipc.send( { "get_followers", uid.to_s } )
+ prevnames = Array( String ).new
+ if ( prevnames = Dir.children( "#{userdir}/names" ) ) && ( prevnames.size > 1 )
+ prevnames.delete( chatuser )
+ puts "\033[38;5;14m#{chatuser} previous names: #{prevnames.join(", ")}\033[0m"
+ end
# play random fanfare if available.
- {% if flag?(:windows) %}
- # This file hierarchy gets manually set up for now.
- # Maybe someday let mods do something like:
- # !fanfare add pipne
- if File.exists?( userdir + "/fanfare/" )
- playaudiofile( userdir + "/fanfare/" + Dir.children( userdir + "/fanfare/" ).sample )
- end
- {% else %}
- t2smsg( config, "fanfare #{uid} #{chatuser}" )
- {% end %}
+ # This file hierarchy gets manually set up for now.
+ # Maybe someday let mods do something like:
+ # !fanfare add pipne
+ if File.exists?( userdir + "/fanfare/" )
+ playaudiofile( userdir + "/fanfare/" + Dir.children( userdir + "/fanfare/" ).sample )
+ end
# FIXME: Generalize this across Twitch/IRC? Mods are +o? vips are +v?
# FIXME: Add configuration interface for this
- own = ( message.tags["room-id"] == message.tags["user-id"] )
- vip = ( message.tags["badges"].to_s.matches?( /(^|,)vip\// ) )
- mod = ( message.tags["mod"] == "1" )
- sub = ( message.tags["subscriber"] == "1" )
+ # FIXME: There's a distinction between channel owner and bot owner; do we care?
+ # channel owner
+ # botowner
+ chanowner = ( chatuser == ircchannel )
+ if service == "twitch"
+ #chanowner = ( message.tags["room-id"] == message.tags["user-id"] )
+ botowner = ( chatuser == config.chat_user.not_nil!.twitch )
+ vip = ( message.tags["badges"].to_s.matches?( /(^|,)vip\// ) )
+ mod = ( message.tags["mod"] == "1" )
+ sub = ( message.tags["subscriber"] == "1" )
+ elsif service == "gamesurge"
+ botowner = ( chatuser == config.chat_user.not_nil!.gamesurge )
+ vip = false # FIXME: Maybe +v? FastIRC lets us see MODE changes, but does not itself track them
+ mod = false # FIXME: Probably +o
+ sub = false # No idea. Maybe check user registration?
+ end
# Emote-triggered effects:
# [ { 301501910, "farts" },
# { 322820, "explosions" } ].each do | fx |
@@ -646,12 +690,17 @@ spawn name: "command_dispatch" do
if commandregex ).match( message.params[1] )
command.each do |exec| # Array
if (
- ( own || ( exec.perm && exec.perm.not_nil!.includes?("any") ) ) ||
+ ( chanowner || ( exec.perm && exec.perm.not_nil!.includes?("any") ) ) ||
+ ( botowner && ( exec.perm && exec.perm.not_nil!.includes?("owner") ) ) ||
( mod && ( exec.perm && exec.perm.not_nil!.includes?("mod") ) ) ||
( sub && ( exec.perm && exec.perm.not_nil!.includes?("sub") ) ) ||
( vip && ( exec.perm && exec.perm.not_nil!.includes?("vip") ) )
- if ( exec.func == "detect_rename" )
+ # As a matter of policy:
+ # BungmoBott::Socket clients can only say things in their own authenticated channel
+ # Direct IRC clients can say things whereever.
+ # FIXME: this needs to be service-specific
+ if ( service == "twitch" && exec.func == "detect_rename" && uid.is_a?( UInt64 ) )
unless oldname.is_a?( String )
ircipc.send( { "##{config.chat_user.not_nil!.twitch}", "Rename detected: #{uid}: #{oldname} -> #{chatuser}" } )
@@ -673,7 +722,14 @@ spawn name: "command_dispatch" do
# FIXME: add gamesurge support
- ( exec.func == "say" ) && say( twitchircipc, config.chat_user.not_nil!.twitch.not_nil!, exec.arg.not_nil![0].not_nil! ) && next
+ if ( exec.func == "say" )
+ if ( service == "twitch" )
+ say( twitchircipc, config.chat_user.not_nil!.twitch.not_nil!, exec.arg.not_nil![0].not_nil! )
+ elsif ( service == "gamesurge" )
+ say( ircipc, config.chat_user.not_nil!.gamesurge.not_nil!, exec.arg.not_nil![0].not_nil! )
+ end
+ next
+ end
STDERR.puts "WARNING: unhandled function for /#{commandregex}/: #{exec.func}"
@@ -1067,25 +1123,29 @@ spawn name: "text2speech" do
while t2stuple = t2sipc.receive
voice, text = [ *t2stuple ]
if ( match = voice.match( /^Microsoft-([A-Za-z]+)/ ) )
- if ( match[1] =~ /Lili|Mary|Mike|Sam|Anna/ )
- msttsvoice="Microsoft #{match[1]}"
- else
- msttsvoice="Microsoft #{match[1]} Desktop"
- end
- p =
- "powershell.exe",
- [ "-Command", "
- Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Speech;
- $speak = New-Object System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer;
- $speak.SelectVoice(\"#{msttsvoice}\");
- $speak.Speak($Input);
- $speak.Finalize;
- "],
- input: Process::Redirect::Pipe, output: STDOUT
- )
- p.input.puts text
- p.input.close
- p.wait
+ {% if flag?(:windows) %}
+ if ( match[1] =~ /Lili|Mary|Mike|Sam|Anna/ )
+ msttsvoice="Microsoft #{match[1]}"
+ else
+ msttsvoice="Microsoft #{match[1]} Desktop"
+ end
+ p =
+ "powershell.exe",
+ [ "-Command", "
+ Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Speech;
+ $speak = New-Object System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer;
+ $speak.SelectVoice(\"#{msttsvoice}\");
+ $speak.Speak($Input);
+ $speak.Finalize;
+ "],
+ input: Process::Redirect::Pipe, output: STDOUT
+ )
+ p.input.puts text
+ p.input.close
+ p.wait
+ {% else %}
+ STDERR.puts( "WARNING: Microsoft speech services voice called on non-Windows platform." )
+ {% end %}
elsif ( match = voice.match( /^([a-zA-Z]{2,3}-[a-zA-Z]{2})/ ) )
if ( gcloud_token = secrets.gcloud_token ).is_a?( String ) # Google cloud voice
mp3data = ttsgcs( match[1], voice, text, gcloud_token )
@@ -1236,10 +1296,6 @@ if ( secrets.twitch_access_token && config.chat_user.not_nil!.twitch && config.j
commandircipc.send( { "twitch", message } )
pp message
pp message.params
- own = ( message.tags["room-id"] == message.tags["user-id"] )
- vip = ( message.tags["badges"].to_s.matches?( /(^|,)vip\// ) )
- mod = ( message.tags["mod"] == "1" )
- sub = ( message.tags["subscriber"] == "1" )
rescue ex
puts ex
#twitchircipc.send( { "##{}", "An error occurred! " + ex.message.to_s } )
@@ -1272,6 +1328,121 @@ if ( secrets.twitch_access_token && config.chat_user.not_nil!.twitch && config.j
fibers[!] = fiber
+if ( secrets.gamesurge_password && config.chat_user.not_nil!.gamesurge && config.join_channels.not_nil!.gamesurge )
+ # GameSurge::IRC thread
+ spawn name: "GameSurge::IRC" do
+ fiberipc.send( Fiber.current )
+ loop do
+ begin
+ bot = nick: config.chat_user.not_nil!.gamesurge.not_nil!, token: secrets.gamesurge_password.not_nil!, log_mode: true )
+ bot.tags = [ "membership", "tags", "commands" ]
+ # Outgoing IRC message thread
+ # "Most IRC servers limit messages to 512 bytes in length, including the trailing CR-LF characters."
+ # PRIVMSG #channel message\r\n
+ spawn do
+ while tuple = ircipc.receive # why does this need to be a tuple?
+ STDERR.puts( "#{Fiber.current} irc rx #{tuple}" )
+ sizelimit=( 512 - ( tuple[0].size + 12 ) )
+ if ( tuple[0] == "JOIN" )
+ # FIXME: Do validation on this
+ bot.join_channel( tuple[1] )
+ elsif ( tuple[0] =~ /^#/ )
+ bot.message( tuple[0], tuple[1][0..sizelimit] ) # limit size
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Create a handler to process incoming messages
+ bot.on_message do |message|
+ spawn do
+ commandircipc.send( { "gamesurge", message } )
+ pp message
+ pp message.params
+# elsif ( cmd =~ /^(create|addsource)/ )
+# if ( match[2]? ) && ( match[2] =~ /^([\/a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)$/ )
+# obstemporarymediacreate( obs, "meta-foreground", match[2], "C:/cygwin64/home/user/effects/#{match[2]}.webm" )
+# elsif ( match[2]? ) && ( match[2] =~ /http(|s):\/\// )
+# newargs = Array( String ).new
+# args = match[2].split( / +/ )
+# if uri = URI.parse( args.shift )
+# newargs.push( uri.to_s )
+# else
+# ircipc.send( { "##{settings["channel"]}", "Unable to parse URL." } )
+# next
+# end
+# colormask : UInt32 | Nil = nil
+# direction : UInt16 | Nil = nil
+# args.each do |arg|
+# case arg
+# when "black"
+# colormask = 0xFF000000
+# when "red"
+# colormask = 0xFF0000FF
+# when "green"
+# colormask = 0xFF00FF00
+# when "blue"
+# colormask = 0xFFFF0000
+# when "white"
+# colormask = 0xFFFFFFFF
+# when /^#[0-9]{6}$/
+# colormask = "0x#{arg.sub( "#([0-9][0-9])([0-9][0-9])([0-9][0-9])", "#FF\3\2\1" )}".to_u32
+# when /^[0-9]+$/
+# direction = arg.to_u16%360
+# else
+# ircipc.send( { "##{settings["channel"]}", "Unable to parse color argument." } )
+# end
+# end
+# colormask && newargs.push( "colormask=#{colormask}" )
+# direction && newargs.push( "direction=#{direction}" )
+# t2smsg( settings, "download #{newargs.join(" ")}" )
+# else
+# ircipc.send( { "##{settings["channel"]}", "Must provide at least one URL as argument." } )
+# end
+# elsif ( cmd =~ /^(delete|remove)/ )
+# if ( match[2]? ) && ( match[2] =~ /^([\/a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)$/ )
+# obs.inputs["medialoop-bullshit-#{match[2]}"].delete!
+# else
+# ircipc.send( { "##{settings["channel"]}", "Must provide at least one bullshit source as argument." } )
+# end
+# elsif ( cmd == "bullshit" )
+# request = Hash( String, String | Bool ).new
+# if ( match[2]? && match[2] =~ /^[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+$/ )
+# obs.scenes["meta-meta-foreground"]["meta-bullshit"].toggle!
+# else
+# ircipc.send( { "##{settings["channel"]}", "| current sources: #{obs.scenes["meta-bullshit"]{ | s | s.sub( /^medialoop-bullshit-/, "") } .join(" ")}" } )
+# end
+# elsif ( cmd =~ /^(system|dxdiag|computer)$/ ) && ( Crystal::DESCRIPTION =~ /linux/ )
+# ircipc.send( { "##{settings["channel"]}", "|" } )
+# end
+ rescue ex
+ puts ex
+ ircipc.send( { "##{config.chat_user.not_nil!.gamesurge.not_nil!}", "An error occurred! " + ex.message.to_s } )
+ end
+ end
+ rooms = Array( String ).new
+ #rooms = [ "##{settings["channel"]}" ]
+ rooms = config.join_channels.not_nil!.gamesurge.not_nil!
+ # Connect to Gamesurge
+{ | room | room.sub( /^#/, "") } )
+ rescue ex : IO::Error
+ pp ex
+ sleep 1
+ # loop to reconnect
+ rescue ex
+ pp ex
+ exit 1
+ end
+ end
+ ensure
+ waitgroup.send(! )
+ end
+ fiber = fiberipc.receive
+ fibers[!] = fiber
# BungmoBott::Socket client thread
if config.bungmobott_connect
bbscli_host, bbscli_port = config.bungmobott_connect.not_nil!.split(":")
@@ -1292,9 +1463,9 @@ if config.bungmobott_connect
raise"BungmoBott::Socket Error: #{message}")
elsif message =~ /^authed/
negotiated = true
- ssl_socket.puts( "say twitch #{user} test" )
- elsif message =~ /^msg twitch/
- commandircipc.send( { "twitch", FastIRC.parse_line( message.split(" ")[2..].join(" ") ) } )
+ #ssl_socket.puts( "say twitch #{user} test" )
+ elsif ( match = message.match( /^msg (twitch|gamesurge)/ ) )
+ commandircipc.send( { match[1], FastIRC.parse_line( message.split(" ")[2..].join(" ") ) } )
elsif ( match = message.match( /^awst2s ([0-9]+)/ ) )
datasize = match[1].to_u32
audiodata = datasize )
@@ -1376,6 +1547,14 @@ if config.bungmobott_listen
channelsubs[ { ircservice, "#" + ircchannel } ].push( client )
pp channelsubs
+ elsif ircservice == "gamesurge"
+ client.puts "joining #{ircservice} \##{ircchannel}"
+ ircipc.send( { "JOIN", ircchannel } )
+ unless channelsubs[ { ircservice, ircchannel } ]?
+ channelsubs[ { ircservice, "#" + ircchannel } ] = Array( OpenSSL::SSL::Socket::Server ).new
+ end
+ channelsubs[ { ircservice, "#" + ircchannel } ].push( client )
+ pp channelsubs
elsif ( message =~ /^aws/i)
if aws
@@ -1464,10 +1643,26 @@ if config.bungmobott_listen
fibers[!] = fiber
-if config.join_channels && config.join_channels.not_nil!.twitch
+if config.join_channels
spawn name: "join_channels" do
fiberipc.send( Fiber.current )
- if fibers["Twitch::IRC"]?
+ if fibers["GameSurge::IRC"]? && config.join_channels.not_nil!.gamesurge
+ ircservice = "gamesurge"
+ config.join_channels.not_nil!.gamesurge.not_nil!.each do |ircchannel|
+ ircipc.send( { "JOIN", ircchannel } )
+ unless channelsubs[ { ircservice, ircchannel } ]?
+ channelsubs[ { ircservice, "#" + ircchannel } ] = Array( OpenSSL::SSL::Socket::Server ).new
+ # Do we ever care about this?
+ #channelsubs[ { ircservice, "#" + ircchannel } ] = Array( OpenSSL::SSL::Socket::Server | Channel( Tuple( String, FastIRC::Message ) ) ).new
+ end
+ end
+ elsif fibers["BungmoBott::Socket client"]?
+ ircservice = "gamesurge"
+ config.join_channels.not_nil!.gamesurge.not_nil!.each do |ircchannel|
+ bbscliipc.send( "irc gamesurge JOIN \#" + ircchannel )
+ end
+ end
+ if fibers["Twitch::IRC"]? && config.join_channels.not_nil!.twitch
ircservice = "twitch"
config.join_channels.not_nil!.twitch.not_nil!.each do |ircchannel|
twitchircipc.send( { "JOIN", ircchannel } )