path: root/crystal
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'crystal')
1 files changed, 528 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/crystal/ b/crystal/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d26a68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crystal/
@@ -0,0 +1,528 @@
+require "socket"
+require "openssl"
+require "twitch/irc"
+require "http"
+require "uri"
+require "twitcr"
+require "json"
+require "crystal_mpd"
+require "obswebsocket"
+require "yaml"
+STDOUT.sync = true
+STDOUT.flush_on_newline = true
+struct Nil
+ def as_s?
+ self
+ end
+ def []?( v : String | Int )
+ self
+ end
+regexservice = /(twitch|gamesurge)/
+regexuser = /[0-9a-zA-Z_]+/
+regexb64 = /[0-9a-fA-F]+/
+regexvoice = /[0-9a-zA-Z-]+/
+module BungmoBott
+ class Config
+ # YAML:
+ #---
+ #statedir: /home/jrayhawk/.local/state/bungmobott/
+ #tempdir: /tmp/bungmobott/
+ #listen:
+ #join_channels:
+ # twitch:
+ # - bungmonkey
+ # - dopefish
+ # # - yackamov
+ # gamesurge:
+ # - bungmonkey
+ #twitch_channel_id: 59895482 # saves a lookup
+ #chat_user:
+ # twitch: bungmonkey
+ # gamesurge: bungmoBott
+ getter configdir : String
+ getter statedir : String
+ getter tempdir : String
+ getter listen : String | Nil
+ getter join_channels : Hash( String, Array( String ) ) | Nil
+ getter twitch_channel_id : UInt64 | Nil
+ getter twitch_client_id : String | Nil
+ getter twitch_access_token : String | Nil
+ getter gcloud_token : String | Nil
+ getter chat_user : Hash( String, String ) | Nil
+ getter metaconfig : Hash( String, Hash( String, String | UInt64 | Nil | Hash( String, String | Array( String ) ) ) )
+ def initialize( )
+ @metaconfig = Hash( String, Hash( String, String | UInt64 | Nil | Hash( String, String | Array( String ) ) ) ).new
+ @metaconfig["default"] = Hash( String, String | UInt64 | Nil | Hash( String, String | Array( String ) ) ).new
+ @metaconfig["default"]["home"] = Path.home.to_s
+ @configdir = Path.home./("/.config/bungmobott/").to_s
+ @metaconfig["default"]["statedir"] = Path.home./("/.local/state/bungmobott/").to_s
+ @configdir = ENV["LOCALAPPDATA"] + "\\bungmobott\\" ).to_s
+ @metaconfig["default"]["statedir"] = ENV["LOCALAPPDATA"] + "\\bungmobott\\state\\" ).to_s
+ end
+ @metaconfig["default"]["tempdir"] = "/tmp/bungmobott/"
+ ENV["TEMP"]? && ( @metaconfig["default"]["tempdir"] = "#{ENV["TEMP"]}\\bungmobott\\" )
+ ENV["XDG_CONFIG_HOME"]? && ( @configdir = ENV["XDG_CONFIG_HOME"] + "/bungmobott/" )
+ #ENV["XDG_DATA_HOME"]? && ( @metaconfig["default"]["datadir"] = ENV["XDG_DATA_HOME"] ) # unused?
+ ENV["XDG_STATE_HOME"]? && ( @metaconfig["default"]["statedir"] = ENV["XDG_STATE_HOME"] + "/bungmobott/" )
+ populate( "config" )
+ populate( "secret" )
+ @metaconfig["default"].merge!(
+ {
+ "chat_user" => nil,
+ "twitch_channel_id" => nil,
+ "join_channels" => nil,
+ "listen" => nil,
+ "twitch_client_id" => nil,
+ "twitch_access_token" => nil,
+ "gcloud_token" => nil,
+ }
+ )
+ # FIXME: Maybe add more explicit validation on these...?
+ # FIXME: Might need to do explicit maps on these to get them to typecheck
+ @chat_user = @metaconfig["config"]["chat_user"]?.as( Hash( String, String ) | Nil )
+ @twitch_channel_id = @metaconfig["config"]["twitch_channel_id"]?.as( UInt64 )
+ @join_channels = @metaconfig["config"]["join_channels"]?.as( Hash( String, Array( String ) ) | Nil )
+ @twitch_client_id = @metaconfig["secret"]["twitch_client_id"]?.as( String )
+ @twitch_access_token = @metaconfig["secret"]["twitch_access_token"]?.as( String )
+ @gcloud_token = @metaconfig["secret"]["gcloud_token"]?.as( String )
+ @listen = ( @metaconfig["config"]["listen"]?.as( String | Nil ) )
+ @statedir = (
+ if @metaconfig["config"]["statedir"]?
+ @metaconfig["config"]["statedir"].as( String )
+ else
+ @metaconfig["default"]["statedir"].as( String )
+ end
+ )
+ @tempdir = (
+ if @metaconfig["config"]["tempdir"]?
+ @metaconfig["config"]["tempdir"].as( String )
+ else
+ @metaconfig["default"]["tempdir"].as( String )
+ end
+ )
+ Dir.mkdir_p( @statedir )
+ Dir.mkdir_p( @tempdir )
+ end
+ def populate( configname : String )
+ begin
+ @metaconfig[configname] = Hash( String, String | UInt64 | Nil | Hash( String, String | Array( String ) ) ).from_yaml( configdir + configname + ".txt" ) )
+ rescue exyaml : YAML::ParseException
+ puts "Failed to parse #{configname}.txt: #{exyaml.message}"
+ exit 4
+ rescue exio : IO::Error
+ puts "#{configname}.txt missing, writing new #{configname}.txt"
+ if configname == "secrets"
+ write( configname, @metaconfig["default"].select{ |k, v| k =~ /twitch_(client_id|access_token)|gcloud_token/ }.to_yaml )
+ elsif configname == "config"
+ write( configname, @metaconfig["default"].reject{ |k, v| k =~ /configdir|home|twitch_(client_id|access_token)|gcloud_token/ }.to_yaml )
+ end
+ # verify we can read it back
+ @metaconfig[configname] = Hash( String, String | UInt64 | Nil | Hash( String, String | Array( String ) ) ).from_yaml( configdir + configname + ".txt" ) )
+ end
+ end
+ def write( configname : String, content : String )
+ File.write( configdir + "#{configname}.txt", content )
+ Dir.mkdir_p( @configdir )
+ rescue exio : IO::Error
+ puts "ERROR: Unable to write #{configname}.txt: #{exio.message}"
+ exit 7
+ end
+ end
+regextwitchuser = /^[0-9a-zA-Z_]+$/
+config =
+# enable direct twitch api?
+if ( config.twitch_access_token && config.twitch_client_id )
+ twitchapi = true
+ twitchapi = false
+ config.twitch_access_token || STDERR.puts "Warning: #{config.configdir}secret.txt 'twitch_access_token' is missing; direct Twitch API access disabled."
+ config.twitch_client_id || STDERR.puts "Warning: #{config.configdir}secret.txt 'twitch_client_id' is missing; direct Twitch API access disabled."
+ unless chat_user = ( config.chat_user && config.chat_user.not_nil!["twitch"]? )
+ if chat_user = ( config.join_channels && config.join_channels.not_nil!["twitch"]?[0]? )
+ STDERR.puts "Warning: #{config.configdir}config.txt 'chat_user: {twitch}' value is missing; using first configured 'join_channels: {twitch}' array value instead: #{chat_user}"
+ if ( config.chat_user )
+ config.chat_user.not_nil!["twitch"] = chat_user
+ end
+ else
+ STDERR.puts "ERROR: 'chat_user: {twitch}' string value and 'join_channels: {twitch}' array value missing."
+ exit 3
+ end
+ end
+# enable direct gcloud api?
+if config.gcloud_token
+ gcloud = true
+ gcloud = false
+ STDERR.puts "Warning: #{config.configdir}secret.txt gcloud_token is missing; direct GCS voices disabled."
+# enable aws?
+if ! File.exists?( Path.home./("/.aws/credentials") )
+ STDERR.puts "Warning: #{Path.home}/.aws/credentials is missing; AWS voices disabled."
+ aws = false
+elsif ! Process.find_executable( "aws.exe" )
+ STDERR.puts "Warning: aws.exe is missing; AWS voices disabled."
+ aws = false
+ aws = true
+# enable effects?
+#effects = Hash( String, String ).new
+#if File.exists?( config.configdir + "/effects.txt" )
+# File.each_line( config.configdir + "/effects.txt" ) do |line|
+# effects[ line.downcase ] = line
+# end
+# FIXME: might need twitch_channel_id eventually ...?
+#if twitchapi
+# twitchclient = defaultsettings )
+# # derive twitch_channel_id from channel or vice versa
+# [ "channel", "twitch_channel_id" ].each do |key|
+# File.exists?( config.configdir + key ) && ( settings[key] = settings["config.configdir"] + key ).chomp )
+# end
+# if ( =~ regextwitchuser ) && ( settings["twitch_channel_id"]? =~ /^[0-9]+$/ )
+# elsif ! ( =~ regextwitchuser ) && ( settings["twitch_channel_id"]? =~ /^[0-9]+$/ )
+# = twitchclient.user( settings["twitch_channel_id"].to_u64 ).login
+# elsif ( =~ regextwitchuser ) && ! ( settings["twitch_channel_id"]? =~ /^[0-9]+$/ )
+# config.twitch_channel_id = twitchclient.user( settings["channel"] ).id.to_s
+# else
+# STDERR.puts "ERROR: Missing #{config.configdir}channel and twitch_channel_id configuration keys."
+# error = true
+# # exit 2
+# end
+# if error == true
+# {% if flag?(:windows) %}
+# STDERR.puts "press enter to end program"
+# gets
+# {% end %}
+# exit 1
+# end
+def generatevoicelistaws( )
+ voices = Array(String).new
+ JSON.parse( `aws polly describe-voices` )["Voices"].as_a.each do | v |
+ voices.push( v["Id"].as_s )
+ end
+ return voices
+def generatevoicelistgcs( gcloud_token )
+ voices = Array(String).new
+ ssl_context =
+ headers =
+ headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json; charset=utf-8"
+ response = HTTP::Client.exec( "GET", "{gcloud_token}", headers, nil, tls: ssl_context )
+ JSON.parse( response.body )["voices"].as_a.each do | v |
+ voices.push( v["name"].as_s )
+ end
+ return voices
+{% if flag?(:windows) %}
+def generatevoicelistwin()
+ voices = Array(String).new
+ p =
+ "powershell.exe",
+ [ "-Command", "
+ Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Speech;
+ $speak = New-Object System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer;
+ $speak.GetInstalledVoices().VoiceInfo | Select-Object Name
+ "],
+ output: Process::Redirect::Pipe
+ )
+ p.output.each_line do | v |
+ v = v.gsub(/ +$/, "")
+ v = v.gsub(/ Desktop$/, "")
+ v = v.gsub( " ", "-" )
+ if v =~ /[A-Za-z0-9]-[A-Za-z0-9]/
+ voices.push( v )
+ end
+ end
+ return voices
+{% end %}
+def regeneratevoicelist( defaultsettings : Hash( String, String ), aws : Bool, gcloud : Bool )
+ voices = Hash(String, String).new
+ if aws
+ generatevoicelistaws() do | voice |
+ voices[ voice.downcase ] = voice
+ end
+ end
+ if gcloud
+ generatevoicelistgcs( config.gcloud_token ).each do | voice |
+ voices[ voice.downcase ] = voice
+ end
+ end
+ {% if flag?(:windows) %}
+ generatevoicelistwin().each do
+ {% end %}
+ File.write( config.configdir + "/voicelist.txt", voices.values.sort.join("\r\n") )
+ return voices
+# channel message subscriptions: { service, chan } => [ client, client ]
+channelsubs = Hash( Tuple( String, String ), Array( OpenSSL::SSL::Socket::Server ) ).new
+# Unencrypted
+#connections = Hash(TCPSocket, Hash(String, String)).new
+# Encrypted
+connections = Hash(OpenSSL::SSL::Socket::Server, Hash(String, String)).new
+ircipc = Channel( Tuple( String, String ) ).new
+t2sipc = Channel( Tuple( String, String ) ).new
+twitchipc = Channel( Tuple( String, Union( String, UInt64 ) ) ).new
+# Twitch API request handling thread
+#spawn do
+# loop do
+# begin
+# while twitchtuple = twitchipc.receive
+# cmd, arg = [ *twitchtuple ]
+# case cmd
+# when "get_user"
+# userinfo = JSON.parse( twitchclient.get_user( arg ) )["data"][0]
+# pp userinfo
+# unless userinfo["broadcaster_type"].as_s.blank?
+# puts "\033[38;5;12m#{userinfo["login"]} is #{userinfo["broadcaster_type"]}\033[0m"
+# end
+# userage = ( Time.utc.to_unix - Time::Format::RFC_3339.parse( userinfo["created_at"].as_s ).to_unix )
+# if ( userage - 172800 ) < 0
+# puts "\033[38;5;1m#{userinfo["login"]}'s account is #{((172800 - userage)/60/60).to_i64} hours old.\033[0m"
+# end
+# when "get_followers"
+# followers = JSON.parse( twitchclient.get_user_follows( to: arg.to_u64 ) )["total"].as_i64
+# if followers > 500
+# puts "\033[38;5;2m#{followers} followers\033[0m"
+# end
+# end
+# end
+# end
+# end
+if ( config.twitch_access_token && config.chat_user.not_nil!["twitch"]? && config.join_channels.not_nil!["twitch"]? )
+ # IRC thread
+ spawn do
+ loop do
+ begin
+ bot = nick: config.chat_user.not_nil!["twitch"], token: "oauth:" + config.twitch_access_token.not_nil!, log_mode: true )
+ bot.tags = [ "membership", "tags", "commands" ]
+ # Outgoing IRC message thread
+ # "Most IRC servers limit messages to 512 bytes in length, including the trailing CR-LF characters."
+ # PRIVMSG #channel message\r\n
+ spawn do
+ while tuple = ircipc.receive # why does this need to be a tuple?
+ sizelimit=( 512 - ( tuple[0].size + 12 ) )
+ if ( tuple[0] == "JOIN" )
+ if ( tuple[0] =~ regextwitchuser )
+ bot.join_channel( tuple[1] )
+ else
+ STDERR.puts "Invalid channel name #{ tuple[1] }"
+ end
+ elsif ( tuple[0] =~ /^#/ )
+ bot.message( tuple[0], tuple[1][0..sizelimit] ) # limit size
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Create a handler to process incoming messages
+ bot.on_message do |message|
+ spawn do
+ #Message(
+ # @tags={
+ # "badge-info" => "",
+ # "badges" => "moderator/1,bits/100",
+ # "color" => "",
+ # "display-name" => "BungMonkey",
+ # "emotes" => "",
+ # "first-msg" => "0",
+ # "flags" => "",
+ # "id" => "3170330a-66dd-4163-a5cb-5a380abef366",
+ # "mod" => "1",
+ # "returning-chatter" => "0",
+ # "room-id" => "22579666",
+ # "subscriber" => "0",
+ # "tmi-sent-ts" => "1692002718705",
+ # "turbo" => "0",
+ # "user-id" => "59895482",
+ # "user-type" => "mod"
+ # },
+ # @prefix=Prefix(
+ # @source="bungmonkey",
+ # @user="bungmonkey",
+ # @host=""
+ # ),
+ # @command="PRIVMSG",
+ # @params=[
+ # "#tenichi",
+ # "test"
+ # ]
+ #)
+ channelsubs[{ "twitch", message.params[0] }].each do | client |
+ if ( ( prefix = message.prefix ) && ( chatuser = prefix.source ) ) # && ( uid = message.tags["user-id"]? )
+ client.puts "msg twitch #{message.params[0]} #{chatuser} #{message.params[1]}"
+ end
+ end
+ pp message
+ pp message.params
+ own = ( message.tags["room-id"] == message.tags["user-id"] )
+ vip = ( message.tags["badges"].to_s.matches?( /(^|,)vip\// ) )
+ mod = ( message.tags["mod"] == "1" )
+ sub = ( message.tags["subscriber"] == "1" )
+ rescue ex
+ puts ex
+ #ircipc.send( { "##{}", "An error occurred! " + ex.message.to_s } )
+ # Maybe send all error messages out through the API? Have to do channel->client mappings, though.
+ end
+ end
+ rooms = Array( String ).new
+ rooms = config.join_channels.not_nil!["twitch"]
+ # Connect to Twitch
+{ | room | room.sub( /^#/, "") } )
+ rescue ex : IO::Error
+ pp ex
+ sleep 1
+ # loop to reconnect
+ rescue ex
+ pp ex
+ {% if flag?(:windows) %}
+ puts "press enter to end program"
+ gets
+ {% end %}
+ exit 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+if config.listen
+ begin
+ ip, port = config.listen.not_nil!.split(":")
+ tcp_server = ip, port.to_i )
+ ssl_context =
+ ssl_context.private_key=(config.configdir + "/privkey.pem" )
+ ssl_context.certificate_chain=(config.configdir + "/fullchain.pem" )
+ # unauthenticated config; seems to be broken in crystal v1.9.2
+ # ssl_context = OpenSSL::SSL::Context::Server.insecure()
+ # ssl_context.add_options(OpenSSL::SSL::Options::ALL)
+ # ssl_context.security_level=0
+ # ssl_context.ciphers=("ADH@SECLEVEL=0")
+ # ssl_context.ciphers=("ADH-AES256-GCM-SHA384:@SECLEVEL=0")
+ # bungmobott protocol server
+ #while tcp_server.accept? do | clientsocket |
+ while clientsocket = tcp_server.accept?
+ spawn do
+ client =, ssl_context)
+ client.flush_on_newline=true
+ puts "Connected: #{clientsocket.remote_address}"
+ connections[client] = Hash(String, String).new
+ connections[client]["remote_address"] = clientsocket.remote_address.to_s
+ connections[client]["authed"] = "false"
+ while message = client.gets
+ puts message
+ client.puts message
+ if ( connections[client]["authed"] == "true" )
+ # irc
+ if ( match = message.match( /^irc (#{regexservice}) (#{regexuser})$/i ) )
+ ircservice = match[1]
+ ircchannel = match[3]
+ client.puts "joining #{ircservice} #{ircchannel}"
+ ircipc.send( { "JOIN", ircchannel } )
+ unless channelsubs[ { ircservice, ircchannel } ]?
+ channelsubs[ { ircservice, "#" + ircchannel } ] = Array( OpenSSL::SSL::Socket::Server ).new
+ end
+ channelsubs[ { ircservice, "#" + ircchannel } ].push( client )
+ pp channelsubs
+ elsif ( match = message.match( /^awst2s (#{regexvoice}) (.+)/i ) )
+ # FIXME # powershell doesn't take bytestreams; maybe use http file hosting for this?
+ elsif ( match = message.match( /^gcst2s (#{regexvoice}) (.+)/i ) )
+ elsif ( match = message.match( /^awsvoicelist$/i ) )
+ client.puts "awsvoicelist " + generatevoicelistaws().join(" ")
+ elsif ( match = message.match( /^gcsvoicelist$/i ) )
+ client.puts "gcsvoicelist " + generatevoicelistgcs( config.gcloud_token ).join(" ")
+ end
+ else
+ # auth
+ if ( match = message.match( /^auth (#{regexuser}) (#{regexb64})$/i ) )
+ pp match
+ remoteuser = match[1]
+ remotekey = match[2]
+ if File.exists?( config.statedir + "apikeys/" + remoteuser )
+ File.each_line( config.statedir + "apikeys/" + remoteuser ) do |localkey|
+ puts "comparing #{localkey} to #{remotekey}"
+ if ( localkey == remotekey )
+ connections[client]["authed"] = "true"
+ client.puts "authed #{ remoteuser }"
+ connections[client]["user"] = remoteuser
+ connections[client]["key"] = remotekey
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if ( connections[client]["authed"] == "false" )
+ client.puts "error: auth failure"
+ end
+ else
+ client.puts "must auth [user] [key]"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ connections.delete( client )
+ channelsubs.each_key do |key|
+ channelsubs[key].delete( client )
+ end
+ puts "Disconnected: #{clientsocket.remote_address}"
+ pp channelsubs
+ pp connections
+ rescue ex : IO::Error
+ puts ex
+ next
+ rescue ex
+ puts ex
+ next
+ end
+ end
+ rescue ex
+ puts ex
+ end